rona_, on Dec 11 2006, 07:59 PM, said:
I think this is the crux of the problem. Let's assume that you were the TD who made the adjustment in the hand mentioned in this thread, what benefit would it be to anyone to email ACBL@bridgebase, or gweny@ bridgebase, or discuss the issue with ACBL_4 who might have been the TD and is also you, since you are one and the same? In my view it is a legitimate conflict of interest issue.
I don't believe this is the crux of the problem, but instead is the crux of the solution to the problem. Even if the TD is the same, the benefit of discussing the issue is to move towards a common understanding, or, at least see each others viewpoints. Once the walls come down, this often goes a long way to eliminating bitter feelings that sometimes arise.
For those who get the ACBL bulletin, the December 06 issue has a Zero Tolerance type case presented in The Hat Lady - Bridge Manners & Etiquette column (which I find is very well written) - too short summary: Swiss match, LHO storms out, TD plays hands, LHO returns, claims in contract, trump still out, claims revoke happened, replay shows no revoke, storms out again, TD plays next hand, LHO returns to accuse others of "many transgressions", TD later says LHO has problems and player should leave it alone.
Quoting from the article:
Marie Sander, on Dec 06 ACBL Bulletin, said:
Since this was a club game, and the director is reliant on your good will and continued patronage for his living, tell him in no uncertain terms that you will never come back if he drops the ball on you again. Smart business people know dissatisfied customers complain to six people, while happy campers brag only to two. Do not go in fear, begging to be protected. Instead go in there like a friend.
In short the Hat Lady (Marie Sander) recommends first talking with the TD, in a friendly manner. This seems the right first move, instead of writing directly to the ACBL in Memphis (though give the ACBL credit for publishing this column). Now if talking to the TD makes no progress, or discussion degenerates, then one would try to reach club ownership (if not the TD), or others.
In ACBL BBO tourneys, the TD is often unable to have a substantial discussion on a problem, and often leaves once the tourney is completed. Thus I believe the right approach when faced with a serious problem that occured in a tourney is to open a discussion with the TD's proxy, One exception to this would be if there is already a policy in place (or defacto policy) for the particular problem, and thus the issue would be better in open widespread discussion, such as in this forum, to determine what the best policy should be.