Official BBO Hijacked Thread Thread No, it's not about that
Posted 2011-June-26, 15:06
Posted 2011-June-30, 13:02
from Life of the Party: A Political Press Tart Bares All, by former GOP PR aide Lisa Baron.
Posted 2011-July-03, 04:40
George Carlin
Posted 2011-July-03, 05:35
gwnn, on 2011-July-03, 04:40, said:
Wow it will be pretty hard for an BBF junkie to stay off for 40 320 minutes, Good luck my friend

Posted 2011-July-04, 17:02

Posted 2011-July-04, 19:14
Posted 2011-July-27, 14:23
Posted 2011-July-27, 21:16
Posted 2011-July-31, 12:44
Prior to dental technology, humans were forced to shine their teeth with fleets of flea-driven miniature zambonis.
Follow a more elegant brightening strategy with today's Groupon:
What is baby oil made of?
Posted 2011-July-31, 16:31
Posted 2011-August-01, 04:18

Posted 2011-August-13, 00:37
Girl 2: It goes poof [note this was fault, it was one of the full body scans, not a poof machine]
Girl 1: I've never been poofed!
Girl 2: I think it's random
At this point, I turn around and say "Random? I'll lay 2:1 that I am randomly selected!"
Now I realize I sound bitter so to lighten it up I say "That's a bad bet for you, when I'm clean shaven I'm only like 66 %, when I have the bin laden beard I'm like 100 %"
The hot one seems like she doesn't believe this...but sure enough! I am randomly selected...again...haha
Coming back from Toronto was worse. I got grilled at customs for 6 minutes (yeah I looked at my phone just out of curiosity). It's worse when you have to say you were there for a bridge tournament (wtf). Then when they ask your job you have to be careful not to say bridge professional, because then the trip was for pro it is... another wtf. After clearing that, I thought I was home free, but as I was walking by I was randomly selected to go through special hand screening, where they go through your entire carry on. Oh well, at least for international flights I get there more than 1 hour early, lol.
I don't even really mind it, I understand that I as a young adult dark skinned male travelling alone rockin a beard am far more likely to be waging jihad than the average joe, but can we at least not call it random?
Posted 2011-August-13, 03:54
One volunteer was curious about that remark so she made a poll among people in the group who had come from Germany by train. Sure enough, out of some 13-14 volunteers there was 100% prediction accuracy. All the brown-eyed volunteers and none of the blue-eyed folks had been asked to show passport.
It gets worse. In the train from Germany to Denmark, I had forgot my passports, the only thing I had was my Dutch rail card. Thanks to my blue eyes I was allowed to cross the boarder. Next time I took the same train, a Chinese woman on a train from Germany to Denmark with a connection to Sweden had no transit visa for Denmark. She spoke fluent swedish and showed her passport, permanent resident permit for sweden, visa to germany and a swedish wedding certificate saying she was married to a guy with a typical swedish name. She was pulled off the train and send back with boat to Germany. It was shortly before midnight on second christmas day.
I went to the police station at the copenhagen railway station to file a complaint. They said it was normal procedure. Then I told it to some Danish friends. They all told me it was normal and I shouldn't waste anybobody's time with futile complaints.
Posted 2011-August-13, 04:36
helene_t, on 2011-August-13, 03:54, said:
Especially since Denmark has been drifted to the right, even Schengen Treaty is not more valid in this land at the moment
Posted 2011-August-13, 08:52
JLOGIC, on 2011-August-13, 00:37, said:
I don't even really mind it, I understand that I as a young adult dark skinned male travelling alone rockin a beard am far more likely to be waging jihad than the average joe, but can we at least not call it random?
Absolutely it is not random. I, and I expect you and almost everyone, can recall times when we assessed a situation and said "This isn't right, I'm outta here". No clear reason, but we take a hike. But both for fairness and for the better development of our instincts, we need to refine our criteria beyond beards and skin shade/color.
There used to be an afternoon jazz program where the host always closed with the advice "Remember, not every white man you meet is your enemy, not every black man you meet is your brother". Switch the categories around as needed, it is advice most all of us could work on some.
Posted 2011-August-17, 17:13
JLOGIC, on 2011-August-13, 00:37, said:
I drove into the U.S. with Sal a couple of years ago and the first thing they asked was, "Where were you born?" Pakistan but he grew up in Canada.
They then asked a whole series of questions that he answered almost before asked.
I said you!ve done this before, he laughed and said EVERY time.
What is baby oil made of?
Posted 2011-August-20, 13:55
XYZ : Hi, WJ p?
Aberlour10 : Hi,I don't play WJ
and left the table.
Last time I sent him a priv massage... He should mark me eventual as an "enemy" an this way preventing this xx-times situation.
He answered: Sorry but I can't do it, This would be not ethical!
That was gooooood heh