Just checking if I'm crazy or not ^^
Posted 2011-July-13, 12:39
Now, about the hand.
2♦ is right on values and shape, but I don't really want to emphasize a suit of 10xxxx. If partner has a minimum (or sub-minimum) opening, he may pass 2♦ on a small doubleton or, in a pinch, a singleton. Do you really want to play a seven-card fit at the two level on a 10 high fit?
1NT is a better response to 1♥. If partner passes 1NT (assuming that you do not play it 100% forcing by a passed hand) you are probably in the right spot.
Having said that, one is now faced with what to do over 3♥. I think that 4♥ is the percentage call. 3NT has two potential weak points - both minor suits. If partner's hearts do not run, you may not have 9 tricks without giving up the lead once or twice. Besides, it is very embarrassing to lose 4 or 5 tricks in a suit that you bid as a 2/1 response.
I don't like the idea of raising spades. Partner's spades could be forced with diamond leads.
So, I bid 4♥.
Posted 2011-July-13, 12:56
Posted 2011-July-13, 13:05
rduran1216, on 2011-July-13, 12:56, said:
How does partner know that you have the singleton ♥J as opposed to a void in hearts? The ♥J is a significant card.
Besides, as I already stated, the 4-3 is not likely to be right given that partner could be forced by diamond leads.
Posted 2011-July-13, 13:20
3♠ could be misconstrued as looking for a 4-3, or possibly letting partner retreat to 3N.
4♣ is unambiguous and agrees hearts.
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2011-July-13, 20:31
Assume you play some sort of drury (or a way of showing 3-card raise on the first round) I will now bid 4C a cue setting hearts which typically may show a singleton honour or a doubleton (some doubletons may be able to bid 3H over 2S). We have very good cards for partner although I am somewhat afraid partner may over/under value their diamond holding (maybe partner will like their Qx or maybe dislike a singleton).
We are all connected to each other biologically, to the Earth chemically, and to the rest of the universe atomically.
We're in the universe, and the universe is in us.
Posted 2011-July-13, 21:23
after 1h u have to worry about potential misfit and
be a bit conservative. Save the 2d bids for hands with
at least halfway decent diamonds. The other BIG downside
of 2d is potentially losing a large club fit. It is
very unlikely you have a game if p cannot bid over 1n
(since i dont know system doing best i can).
If we assume the bidding proceeds in a simlar fashion
1h 1n
2s 2n
Your hand is golden for suit contract and p knows you
have a maximum xx hearts yet still bid 3h. The heart J
is easily as good a xx and your KQ spades and side ace
are much more than p might expect go for game. 3S while
a decent bid on values leaves p with illusion you might
be void certainly at most 1 small heart and odds are
mighty thin p has 5 spades.
Posted 2011-July-13, 22:34
ArtK78, on 2011-July-13, 13:05, said:
Besides, as I already stated, the 4-3 is not likely to be right given that partner could be forced by diamond leads.
If I was void in hearts, I dont think id entertain the possibility of playing 3NT, and may just blast 4S. I wouldn't mind playing this hand in NT, spades, or hearts depending on partner's hand.
I can see the argument that this hand will work great if partner has solid hearts, but can't partner have
AJxx KQxxxx A Qx
I have a great hand for hearts I acknowledge that, but I may not want to be past 4H, which is what 4C almost surely guarentees.
Posted 2011-July-14, 02:30
- hrothgar
Posted 2011-July-14, 04:14
Posted 2011-July-14, 07:26
rduran1216, on 2011-July-13, 22:34, said:
I can see the argument that this hand will work great if partner has solid hearts, but can't partner have
AJxx KQxxxx A Qx
I have a great hand for hearts I acknowledge that, but I may not want to be past 4H, which is what 4C almost surely guarentees.
Where do you want to play if partner has the hand you suggest? 6♠? If your answer is 4♠, I suggest that 4♥ is just as good and may be better.
Posted 2011-July-14, 09:38
rduran1216, on 2011-July-13, 22:34, said:
I can see the argument that this hand will work great if partner has solid hearts, but can't partner have
AJxx KQxxxx A Qx
I have a great hand for hearts I acknowledge that, but I may not want to be past 4H, which is what 4C almost surely guarentees.
Considering its very difficult to construct a passed hand without a primary fit that makes a slam opposite this, I think advancing past 4♥ would be very bad.
Examples like this do underscore how good hearts play, and how lousy spades play.
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2011-July-15, 09:03
By the way, hearts should play safer than the moysian spade fit and that's why I prefer 3♥ to 3♠.
Posted 2011-July-15, 09:54
"It's only when a mosquito lands on your testicles that you realize there is always a way to solve problems without using violence!"
"Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one's view's and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one's valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say."