Posted 2011-September-13, 11:31
1. 1♠ was normal. You hope for 1N over which you could (if you play the gadget) bid 2♣ to force 2♦ and pass.....or (if you don't) pass anyway and hope partner can use the diamonds or guess to bid 2♠ to play the assumed 5-2 or 5-3. As it is, things have not gone well, so you bid 2♥.
2. I would pass the N hand, tho I wouldn't criticize a double. It is close. If N passed, S has an easy pass. Indeed, I think taking any other call as S is insane.
If N doubled, S has a huge problem. I think the hand just doesn't warrant a gf....not to mention that I don't know what suit to gf in. 4N would NOT be a choice of minors for me (tho maybe it should be) would be natural and forward-going (but not forcing). I can see the logic behind arguing that that hand should pass at this vulnerability but I don't like the idea of using 4N for different purposes, in the same auction, depending on doesn't come up often enough for me to hope that both I and partner will remember, so I'd bid 4♦
3. N's pass is not forcing. It is my view that playing it as forcing makes zero sense....S has to be allowed to push them to the 5-level without thereafter being compelled to double or bid. As for what I'd do way am I doubling! Just where am I expecting to get my tricks? Would we be surprised if LHO held the spade K and one of them were void in clubs? No, I am bidding 6♣. I am going to place partner with working cards in the pointed suits....if I am right, we may make....if I am wrong, they probably make 5♥. I wouldn't have bid 4♠ since I would have been fearing this auction and I sure don't want them leading diamonds, which 4♠ then 6♣ strongly suggests....imagine J10x Jxx Ax Jxxxx in dummy
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari