A side question first:
Am I the only one to (be wicked enough to) read this as, I can play conventional responses to a weak two that is 0-10, but promises 5 cards? Or to an "intermediate two" with a small range, say 8-11, but could be as short as four? (I am not interested to discuss the quality of such choices, perhaps that can be the subject for another topic though...) At least that's how I understand the "AND".
Now, the main question (assuming that the answer to the previous question is, "well, really they should have used OR instead of AND"):
Say the auction goes
where my 2♥ is, say, 0-10, so no artificial bid (by our side) is allowed over it.
Simple bridge logic tells me that my partner cannot be interested in penalizing (e.g. say that we open light and agreed that he always raises directly with decent support). Can I therefore take the inference that the XX is SOS? Or am I obliged to play there, interpreting it as natural?