My name is Don and I am a highly enthusiastic young bridge player. I have been playing cards since before I was a teenager and roughly over a year ago I started playing live Bridge. I have learned quite fast and keep improving my play/bidding. One thing I enjoy doing, is putting together ideas for Bridge systems. The system I am showing now is based on Precision. All I have worked on currently is the 1C meaning/replies. I also have a list of reply bid theories, however, before I get serious about that, I would like to see how my base reply bids are. One of the main ideas is to combine as many strong bids into one strong bid to allow for more descriptive bids to take their place. I also prefer to exclude 5cM holdings from NT hands, so I tried to give these their own bidding replies. I am strongly debating having the 20-21 point range being seperate at the 3 level. I may work on a way to combine them into the 18-19 range for an 18-21 5cM. I am also debating including them with a 2C response (22+ HCP, 20-21 (UB), or 20-21 w/ 5cM. Any strong bids that do not fit these categories would fall under another opening bid (I am thinking 1D). These would mostly be 15-19 HCP unbalanced minor hands.
- All strong bids are combined leaving more room for others.
- Points are accurately relayed to partner in a decent range.
- Allows for an 18-19 NT bid.
- Allows for a 20-21 5cM.
- 1H/1S opening bids are max 14 HCP...This makes 6-8 HCP responses unneeded unless superb distribution is held.
- Vulnerable to preempts?
- Points are shown more than distribution...(Should I include a bid for strong distributional hands?)
- Can be difficult to determine if we should play major or NT...(Only major and points shown with a jump to the 2 or 3 level)
1C = 15+ HCP (15-21 w/ 5cM+ | 15+ NT | 22+) -> 1D = waiting (any strength)
-1H = 15-17 HCP (5+H)
-1S = 15-17 HCP (5+S)
-1N = 15-17 HCP (B)(NO 5cM)
-2C = 22-24 HCP (UB)| 22-24 HCP w/ a 5cM | OR | 25+ HCP
-2D = 18-19(20-21?) HCP (5+H)
-2H = 18-19(20-21?) HCP (5+S)
-2S = 18-19 HCP (B)(NO 5cM)
-2N = 20-21 HCP (B)(NO 5cM)
-3N = 22-24 HCP (B)(NO 5cM)
Some of my biggest personal concerns are the bids after 2NT...I am thinking them over a lot myself and hope to come up with a better solution. I understand that the bids being so high basically removes any room to cue/discuss the hand to full extent.
I look forward to reading thoughts and suggestions about this. Would also like to hear some ideas for good bids to have for distribution later on in the system.
1. Changed the 3N bid from 25-27 HCP to 22-24 (B).
2. Adjusted the 2C bid to be 22-24 (UB), 22-24 (w/5cM), or 25+ HCP.
3. Decided to remove my 3 level bids for now and concentrate on the core before continuing.