TWO4BRIDGE, on 2012-February-21, 08:32, said:
Edit: Mike777 and the last 3 posts ( by Rainer, Andy, and Ben ) make a compelling argument about Opener's balanced shape and minimum values based on the first 2 rounds of bidding -- something I had not thought about before .
I agree that Responder ( East ) should use this information and sign-off in 4H.
Now for a slight change. Let's make Opener unbalanced ( w/ 5 cards ♦ with the same values and the ♥ - fit :
West ........... East
A x .............. J 10
A 9 x x ........ Q J x x
A x x x x ...... K x
Q x .............. A K x x x
1D ............... 2C
2D ............... 2H
3H ............... 4C
Now will West continue with a move, since East has not limited ?
If East's 4C were a Frivolous Cue ( also denying a Sp Ctrl ), then West would have an easier decision .
This is a matter of slam bidding philosophy.
I do not belong to the school, which believes you should do automatic cue-bidding in a game forcing sequence and the right level will ensue. I have been hurt too often.
With the West hand I would not stop below 6
♥ if East made a cue-bid of 4
♣. The West hand you constructed has won in value and is worth much more than 14 HCP.
Slam has about 30% against a spade lead and otherwise about 60%.
I never understood the concept of a frivolous Cue. Does this mean do not take me seriously? Then why give the defense information in the first place?
I think the one, who initiates cue bidding should have some reasonable expectation of slam given the previous bidding and not bid his partner's hand.
If you do otherwise, you only help the defense in 4
♥. (This is particularly crucial in pairs contests).
I would cue-bid with the East hand if some suitable hands in the minimum range for opener would make 6
♥ cold. Here there are no such hands.
I am against automatic cue-bids because your partner could still have a huge hand, nor do I like the principle of fast arrival, unless partner has limited his hand.
But this hardly means 4
♥ does not exist in this sequence. 4
♥ by East means I have a hand unsuitable for slam (too many holes).
East has forced to game but is still missing 4 key-cards and second round control of spades. He knows a spade lead is likely to be forthcoming now.
If you sign off in 4
♥ with the East hand and West passes are you likely to have missed anything?
If West has all 4 key cards he has at least 15 HCP and will not respect the sign-off.
Would you as West respect partner's sign off in 4
♥ with say
♥AKxx, Axxxx, Qx or similar?
I would not.
As it is I would reluctantly pass a 4
♥ sign-off with the West hand you constructed.
Judgement rules this game not robot like sequences.
Rainer Herrmann