Get to Slam confidently ( most didn't )
Posted 2012-June-11, 08:43
Playing a strong ♣, I think we will certainly reach 6 after:
3NT-4♣ (RKCB with 4♦ minimum)
5♣ (2+Q)-6♣
Posted 2012-June-11, 09:50
3N(extras within auction..spade King promoted from original non-reverse evaluation)
and on to 6N via our version of RKC for clubs and a correction at the end to 6NT.
True, responder never knew clubs were longer; but she intended NT anyway.
I have already seen on these fora how people feel about opening 1D with 4-5, but feel free to repeat

Posted 2012-June-11, 18:16
Posted 2012-June-11, 21:07
Statto, on 2012-June-11, 18:16, said:
Whether it is reverse strength determines (for us) which minor to open. Later, the spade king becomes stated. We no-longer worry about the word "reverse", which no-longer has any relevance to the auction.
Posted 2012-June-11, 22:14
My only point was that minor suit slams are hard to bid.
I fully grant that strong clubers, relay bidders and those who reverse get to slam...easy.
Posted 2012-June-12, 01:58
1N (15-bad 19)-2♣(enquiry)
we open 1♦ with 4-4 hence 3♦ shows 5♣ and now this is easy. For this hand not to be worth a reverse, but be a 17 count once partner shows better than minimum by bidding 2♣ almost certainly indicates a stiff spade honour. Why ? well compare ♠AQxx and out with AQxx and K♥ as to how many tricks are added to your hand, adding half a trick to partner's hand, adds 2 to your total.
Posted 2012-June-12, 13:23
1N 2C
2D 3H
imo. Both seem reasonable, I'd probably pass but I could see bidding 4C. Playing normal methods I would never consider not opening 1N personally, it is easier when you know the goal of the hand is to get to 6C to bid 1C then 2D.
Posted 2012-June-18, 07:02
1♦ = 10-17 unbal, 4+ diamonds
... - 1♥ = INV+ relay
2♣ = 4+ clubs, max, GF
... - 2♦ = relay
2NT = 4 diamonds, 5 clubs
... - 3♣ = relay
3♦ = 1345
... - 3♥ = relay
3NT = 4 controls
... - 4♣ = relay
4♦ = no club control
... - 4NT = Q ask
5♥ = ♣Q and ♦Q, no ♥Q
... - 6♣
looks as good as most of the other suggestions. Funnily enough it is easier (for me) to reach 6♣ if the South hand is treated as balanced.
1♣ = 15+ nat/bal or 18+ any
... - 1♥ = 4+ spades, GF (if bal or 3-suited then 4 hearts)
1NT = 15-17 bal
... - 2NT = 5 spades, 4 hearts
3♣ = no fit, 5 clubs (in theory always 2335)
... - 4♦ = RKCB
5♣ = 2 with ♣Q
... - 6♣
but that would be unsystemic. Anyway, I would not have a problem with ending up in 3NT on these hands. At the point that North has to make the decision it is not certain in almost all of these auctions that clubs/slam is going to work out better. And if the scoring was MPs, playing the hand in 5♣ is almost certain to be poor.
Posted 2012-June-18, 08:01
p.s. if it's not strong enough for a reverse, surely it's not strong enough to open a strong 1C.
Posted 2012-June-18, 16:38
FrancesHinden, on 2012-June-18, 08:01, said:
p.s. if it's not strong enough for a reverse, surely it's not strong enough to open a strong 1C.
To most people I would think a strong clubs min is lower than a reverse (assuming 16+ strong club)? I guess in england you guys reverse lighter than over here. Obv I'd reverse sometimes lighter than 16 with extreme shape/playing strength (like x xx AKxx AKJTxx), though I'd open that a strong club, or a spade fit (like 3145 with a good 15), but conversely most people here would not reverse with 16 and 5431 with a stiff in partners suit, esp stiff K. Even if you made the HT the HJ I'd expect many people to either open 1N or open 1C and rebid 2N as opposed to opening 1C and rebidding 2D since they would feel uncomfortable reversing with that type of hand
If this was fine strength for a reverse then I'd definitely reverse, so I guess that's the crux of the matter.
Posted 2012-June-18, 16:47
Posted 2012-June-18, 21:35
Posted 2012-June-18, 21:50
Posted 2012-June-20, 03:36
aguahombre, on 2012-June-18, 16:47, said:
I congratulate you that you reached 6NT by neither reversing nor opening 1NT.
But doing neither is what makes this slam tough to bid.
If I considered the hand too weak for a reverse I would definitely open this hand 1NT.
And yes, I think the North hand should invite with 4C after Smolen. I consider the North hand ideal for a 4C bid over 3NT. What else do you want for an invitational 4C bid?
South has numerous ways of declining the invitation including a sign-off in 4NT. Passing 3NT is lazy.
Rainer Herrmann
Posted 2012-June-25, 11:29
1♣ - 1♠
1NT (15-17) - 2♦ (GF checkback)
3♣ - 4♣ (minorwood)
4NT (2 w/♣Q) - 6♣ (crossing fingers against ♥AQ offside)
Alternatively, the opener might not feel their hand is strong enough for a reverse, and would then open with the shorter diamonds. Then at MP's we might have:
1♦ - 1♠
1NT (15-17) - 2♦ (GF checkback)
3♣ - 4NT (quantitative, not fearing diamonds so much)
- Ludwig van Beethoven
Posted 2012-June-26, 02:18
so my sequence ply sayc 1cl-p 1sp-p
2cl 2ht
3d 4cl
4n/t 5n/t=2 aces