phil_20686, on 2012-August-08, 06:57, said:
Secondly, if you pay 2/1 GF, then west is still unlimited. Great you happened to hit him with a minimal-ish hand that is very unsuitable, but this auction looks a lot like west is setting up a slam try in diamonds. If you had hit him with a cue bid in hearts like: AKJxx x KQJx Kxx you would not have been so lucky.
And what kind of bid is 4 diamonds with this hand? Why is it necessary? What does it gain over bidding KEYCARD lol? Even if you made the hand weaker, what does 4D gain over bidding 4H yourself? Do you think partner is going to have a 4H bid over 4D, and that will give us some great info?
This is quite bizarre. Firstly, have west been 2-2 in hearts and clubs you just need the club finesse for game.
West should bid 5D himself with only 2 heart losers and AKJxx ATxx in the pointed suits knowing all of partners values are in the minors and he has 12+. But, let's say west might have that hand. Then we can bid a 0 % game half the time, and a <50 % game half the time. Let's call it 47 %.
So half the time we just lose 5. 26.5 % of the time, we lose 5. but 23.5 % of the time we win 6! So 3.825-1.41, forcing to game with the east hand would give us an EV of -2.4 imps if west can be 2-2 or 3-1. West could also, you know, have no SA (KQJxx xx Axxx Kx is not a very good game...west would also know it was 0 %).
What is bizarre to me is that you guys think that you MUST bid 0 % games, even knowing they're 0 % games from the bidding, because you need 4D available as some slam try. How are you going to make up the imps lost from being forced to play ZERO PERCENT games by having 4D available as a slam bid? You're really makin up multiple 5 imp losses from that slam try? lol.
Come on this is such a common bridge situation, you know you have no heart stopper, you know you have three losers, so you stop. Does anyone really think, wow, partner is slamming when they bid 4D?
It is different if partner never had a chance to raise diamonds and 4D would be the first time, now it is a viable slam try since he has to use it to set trumps. But when trumps are set already, this is just a textbook case of 4m being non forcing.