cloa513, on 2012-October-14, 03:17, said:
I wouldn't be in slam but with South's hand, I wouldn't want to be so pessimistic and make one spade cue (3♠) as if North had a diamond void then that would be gold.
Right, we also thought that I could have bid 3
♠ cue iso 4
Bidding would then probably go:
- 3NT non-serious because 4C would promise 9 tricks (?)
cloa513, on 2012-October-14, 03:17, said:
Hopeful you are OK with cues after all South could have bid 3S with your first bid with a moderately good or 2NT then 3S with the first set of bidding with a very good hand and now could bid 4S with a poor hand.
(The above is not 100% clear for me)
I started with 2H because I thought that North would have a strong hand for opening 2D in 4th hand and didn't want to take away room from him to describe his hand.
North can also have a good weak 2 (like 10-12), but I don't think I have enough to fear missing game when he has a good weak 2 in H?
When I start with 2NT the bidding would go:
4H (4H=semi forcing H)