phil_20686, on 2012-October-24, 07:33, said:
@HOG (and others): 2N shows the unbid suits, it is completely standard in this situation to play that 3H = to play, 3d = good with hearts, 3/4c = to play 3S = good with clubs. This is an unusual vs unusual situation.
It is important not to try to cash both top clubs, as ruffing clubs without lho being able to overruff is how you get entries, and this often feels unnatural to less experienced players. LHO is in a bind when he ruffs the third spade, I discard my diamond. Suppose he returns the club Q, I go up with a top club and rho is forced to ruff. I overruff with the Q. Then I cash the heart ace and play a diamond, and ruff it in dummy and a good club takes care of the spade, lho gets only his two heart tricks.
SUppose instead that he returns a diamond, then I can ruff in dummy, and play the club K. If RHO ruffs I can over ruff and play diamond to ruff, and then another top club discarding a spade again holds lho to two heart tricks.
This inexperienced player fell into the trap of cashing the top clubs, pitching a spade, and then ruffed a club and cashed the spade K, pitching the diamond as LHO ruffed in. LHO now could give me the contract by exiting a heart or by leading a diamond for me to ruff. Chooosing the latter, he made me ruff in dummy and I was utterly helpless! I had no choice but to lead a heart to my A and then lead my last diamond and ruff it in dummy. I was astounded to make 11 tricks, despite my inexperienced line of play.
/sarcasm off
Phil: I suspect you didn't see this was the N/B forum, else you wouldn't have made the statement about unusual v unusual being 'completely standard' here.
I also suspect that you posted too quickly and were trying to be polite, rather than insulting or condescending, to those who cashed the AK clubs misanalyzed the hand and wanted to let those who had, in your view, misplayed the hand down gently. As it is, I think that you inadvertently set a record for most errors in a single post.... a record that I may well have held (several times) before you. Cheers!
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari