PhilKing, on 2013-April-09, 07:36, said:
That's not really a plan as such. It's more about how (or rather when) you establish them in order to preserve multitudinous prospects.
Right, but I said a few posts up what I would do. (Largely the same as manodude03. He has, in some cases, a different order. Perhaps his is better, but I don't see why.) The first three tricks are stipulated. I lead a spade, throwing a diamond. I win any return, cash the red aces, and go to the board in clubs. I cash the spades throwing first my two remaining diamonds and then, on the last spade, throw my heart unless E discard the king of hearts. I now have the diamond card on the board, a club for entry, and only clubs in my hand.
So this squeezes E in clubs-hearts if he has four clubs and the king of hearts, or it squeezes either player that holds four clubs and the king of diamonds. It loses to a layout where one player holds four clubs and the other holds both kings, and it loses if W holds four clubs and the king of hearts because the squeeze fails against him, at least run this way, because the heart threat is in my hand. I doubt anyone leads from the KTxx against 6NT but maybe he did. I'm betting the king is on my right and rho was not putting it up with the queen in dummy. He figures that if partner led from his ace then that's just too bad.Of course this line wins, as just about any line does, if clubs are 3-3.
Of course if I were truly confident that the king of hearts is on my right I would not screw around with all this squeeze stuff. 5+3+1+3=12. (Lead spade, throwing diamond. If a heart comes back let it ride, else win, return to dummy, run spades lead the heart, getting back to hand with a club if the Q is not covered. This will be hard to explain of the heart loses to the king and clubs were 3-3). I think the heart king is on my right, but I would rather trust that I can still bring this in either with clubs 3-3 or with one of the squeeze positions working out.
If there is a way to preserve more options, I'm all ears.
Added: If rho has ten red card including both kings, and one spade, I could have made it by playing a small diamond from hand at trick 2. He must take it, else I establish spades and claim 5+2+2+3=12. When he does, I have the entries to cash three diamonds and two hearts (including at trick 1). So that's four rounds of diamonds and two rounds of hearts that have been played, and E must yield in either clubs or spades.
But that's pretty dd, and anyway the problem stipulated the first three tricks. I think now it is too late, with the lead in dummy. If I come to hand with a club and lead a diamond, W can rise and play another club, and I don't think I can untangle the entries.