God or Pard
Posted 2013-October-22, 08:11
D AKxxx
C 10XX
You open a precision diamond as per your style.
1D (1S) P (2C)
P 4NT P 5H
P 6C X P
P XX Float
Do you lead a top diamond or a spade? Or something else too for that matter?
Posted 2013-October-22, 08:16
Posted 2013-October-22, 08:25
if partner has a void that´s only 1 trick, where is the other?
If partner has a side void and a lot of diamonds did he have a preemptive raise?
I lean towards ♦A, I have been wrong before.
Posted 2013-October-22, 08:43
(1) We are beating 6♣ if you lead a spade; or
(2) We are beating 6♣ regardless of what you lead.
So, I lead a spade.
If we were beating 6♣ on a high diamond lead (and partner cannot know that you have the top diamonds) and not on a spade lead then partner would not have doubled.
This is very basic.
[by the way, can I turn the cube to 8? -

The auction is, indeed, very peculiar. LHO made a 1♠ overcall, which is not forcing. His partner bid 2♣, which may or may not be forcing, but certainly does not show game forcing strength. Over that, LHO asks for keycards and bids slam. Not something you see everyday. Clearly, LHO is highly distributional and strong. Besides partner's double, this argues against a high diamond lead. It is remotely possible that a high diamond lead might be the only lead that gives away the slam. I am not going to attempt to put together a layout that leads to that result, but if RHO is two-suited in the minors, he may have to establish his diamonds to bring in 12 tricks. Leading a top diamond (LHO is void, of course) may be the only way that RHO can succeed.
But none of this deep thinking is required. Unless your partnership has some well defined non-standard definition of a double of a voluntarily bid slam, the double demands a spade lead, so I lead a spade.
Posted 2013-October-22, 08:43
Posted 2013-October-22, 09:16
Posted 2013-October-22, 10:36
Posted 2013-October-22, 12:07
jogs, on 2013-October-22, 11:18, said:
What is he asking for?
I think Art explained it well.
Particularly if this guy is known for funny business, I will pay his bids no attention. In fact knowing this, I suspect that the redouble is just a bluff, trying to get me to not lead a spade. So I will just do as partner asked.
Posted 2013-October-22, 14:16
Posted 2013-October-22, 14:17
Posted 2013-October-22, 19:08
Zelandakh, on 2013-October-22, 10:36, said:
I don't have that conflict; they are one and the same.
Posted 2013-October-23, 21:46
I don't understand statements like "partner wants a spade lead" or "partner is asking for a spade lead". What is partner's hand where a spade lead is right?
On the other hand perhaps the ace of diamonds (never the king) is better than a trump. In case dummy has 11 cards in 2 suits and declarer AK of hearts. I expect I'll be overruffing declarer soon anyway. The ace of diamonds only loses when declarer can set up his own hand instead of the dummy. There's no reason to believe that's the case.
I think partner's double is encouraging me: we'll probably beat this don't try something crazy: like some bizarre under lead looking for a spade ruff. You may think this sounds backwards but how would you defend 6C holding
if partner didn't double? ...and what if you knew that the spade suit was dead?
Posted 2013-October-24, 02:16
Posted 2013-October-24, 03:50
ArtK78, on 2013-October-22, 08:43, said:
(1) We are beating 6♣ if you lead a spade; or
(2) We are beating 6♣ regardless of what you lead.
So, I lead a spade.
If we were beating 6♣ on a high diamond lead (and partner cannot know that you have the top diamonds) and not on a spade lead then partner would not have doubled.
This is very basic.
[by the way, can I turn the cube to 8? -

The auction is, indeed, very peculiar. LHO made a 1♠ overcall, which is not forcing. His partner bid 2♣, which may or may not be forcing, but certainly does not show game forcing strength. Over that, LHO asks for keycards and bids slam. Not something you see everyday. Clearly, LHO is highly distributional and strong. Besides partner's double, this argues against a high diamond lead. It is remotely possible that a high diamond lead might be the only lead that gives away the slam. I am not going to attempt to put together a layout that leads to that result, but if RHO is two-suited in the minors, he may have to establish his diamonds to bring in 12 tricks. Leading a top diamond (LHO is void, of course) may be the only way that RHO can succeed.
But none of this deep thinking is required. Unless your partnership has some well defined non-standard definition of a double of a voluntarily bid slam, the double demands a spade lead, so I lead a spade.
You can never exclude that your partner has made a mistake.
Deep thinking should never be rejected, because it will improve your Bridge results. Leading spades can only help declarer.
It seems to me more likely that partner's double was poor and of the variety they are going down.
He believes 6♣ is going down with all his spades and could have miscalculated.
But sitting there and assuming my lead does not matter is not a winning proposition
There are some keys:
Partner did not negative double,so is unlikely to hold hearts.
So where are all the hearts?
My guess is declarer has them:
Lead a top diamond, when partner plays the queen, continue diamonds and force the dummy.
Rainer Herrmann
Posted 2013-October-24, 06:20
Posted 2013-October-25, 02:15
Posted 2013-October-26, 08:01