Vampyr, on 2013-December-18, 20:05, said:
It has been said many times that the expert forum is for expert topics, not to get the opinions of experts, who post their thoughts in the other forums as well.
What counts as an expert topic?
One of the most difficult areas in bidding is choosing a trump suit when you do not know whether slam might be on in a minor, but if there is only game your best chance is in a major.
The South hand is an exercise in hand evaluation
I agree with MrAce that the South hand is worth an opening bid and has been only improved by the bidding.
Therefor after
South must DBL, because alternatives (except 3
♥) are not even forcing and at this point, vulnerable at IMPs, I would want to force to game. Again a matter of judgement. The South hand is worth much more than its point count suggests.
North can have at most a doubleton in either major and must have at least five diamonds. If North is short in spades, 5
♦ or 3NT (less likely) should have play and otherwise I would not want to stop below 4
Agreements matter a lot.
Assume South doubles and North bids 2
♠ would now 3
♦ by South be forcing?
One way of bidding the hand with no special agreements might be
♣ is an obvious splinter. North, having bid conservatively so far, should not want to stop below slam thereafter with the actual hand.
Rainer Herrmann