eagles123, on 2014-April-17, 04:48, said:
Well I did pass which I thought was pretty obvious, but P had
game made easily enough and it was a bad score when most of the room were in 4 making rather than our 2+2.
maybe others just saw the "5 loser hand" and thought they had to bid game lol?
You say that game made easily enough, but that should never be the reason for worrying about whether you should be there. What if you had 2 spades losers, and had bid game and gone down? Would you then try to see why you should have stayed in a partial?
As it happens, this is a borderline type of contract. There are all kinds of things that could lead to a minus score in game, including a ruff in either minor or 2 trump losers, and even if the trumps honours are ok, a bad break might make scoring 10 winners problematic.
It's the sort of game you'd like to be in at imps, but at mps I would never get worked up about missing this one. Partner could have a hand that makes the 3-level unsafe. The fact is that standard methods don't do that well here, because for most players the 1
♠ call has a very wide range, which in turn means partner has to raise with some fairly weak hands in case you had just short of a jumpshift.
By making a gametry you create several ways to lose: the 3 level is too high; partner accepts but the hands don't mesh; partner accepts, the hands mesh, but bad stuff happens. By passing you have only one way to lose: partner accepts, the hands mesh, and nothing bad happens. Of course, you can break even as well: partner rejects and you make 9+ tricks.
At imps, vul, the single upside is probably worth the risk of the downsides, but not, imo at least, at mps.
Switch to precision, and now the 2
♠ call has a higher minimum, since your hand is capped at 15, and partner wouldn't need to stretch to raise, and you'd have an easy game try, which partner should accept with his working cards.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari