How many hearts does your partner hold?
How many total HCP can your partner hold on this hand?
You can click the NEXT button to see the first multiple tricks. Trick one, South wins the ♥King in his hand. He leads a heart to trick two, and partner pops up with the heart TEN as dummy wins. You discard one of your clubs. Only you can keep declarer's club JACK from becoming a winner, so you discard a high club using standard carding to let partner know you have clubs "stopped".
Declarer plays a spade to his ACE, partner plays the ♠4 standard count. Who has the spade King? How many spades does declarer hold?
Declarer leads a third round of hearts, partner pops up with the ♥9, dummy wins and you discarded a low ♣. Partner got off to what turns out to be a sad opening lead from ♥JT9xx. Normally that is a fairly safe lead.
Declarer continues with the last heart from dummy, what do you discard? A spade? A club? A diamond? Why?
Your partner leads the jack of hearts. Below are some simple questions with hidden answers. Then we will get to the final question.