Posted 2014-July-09, 09:49
I suspect some people will think that slam is easier to reach after opening the West hand, and I admit that is probably true if we open 1♥ (puke) and the opps interfere. However, if the opps stay out, we should easily reach the slam...see below.
To me, opening is worse than passing. We have negative defence, and a horrible heart suit and insoluble rebid problems.
We open 1♣ and there is a good chance that the heart suit is lost forever on some hands....we might even miss a 9 card fit! Imagine partner responds 1♠. We have to rebid 2♣ and partner may be unable to bid a forcing 2♥. Playing meckwell here would reduce that issue, but even then there are hands that (at least as I play Meckwell) are too strong for the 2♥ response (typically 5+ spades, 4+ hearts, and weak) and not strong enough to force for 1 round, as most would treat 2♥. We could end up in 2♣ on a 6=1 fit, with excellent play for game in hearts.
We open 1♥ and over 2♦ we do what?
Meanwhile, partner will drive to bad games or too high in search of slam when he has a very strong but misfitting hand, or he will try to penalize the opps, expecting us to have an opening hand.
The light openers seem rarely to think about the costs of this approach, especially in methods that are already wide-range in opening values. The lighter one opens, the worse all our constructive bidding becomes. Of course, there are gains to be had from opening light, and here we can see that opening 1♥ (which I just couldn't do) makes reaching the good slam fairly easy.
I would pass, and then over partner's 1♠, I have a big problem (of course that was predictable: I never said that passing was perfect).
I would choose a semi-forcing 1N. It is horrible, I know, but I can't bid a natural 2♣ because I use drury, and I will not bid 2♥ on that suit.
As it happens, if the opps have stayed out so far, this 1N works very well. Partner bids 2♥ and I go nuts. I suspect I would content myself with a splinter in diamonds, which ought to get partner excited. I am slamming opposite a non-jumpshift, and he has good trump, little wastage, and a card that must be huge on the auction...the club K. I must have at least 10 cards in the rounded suits, since I deny 3 spades with 1N, and have now shown short diamonds. Kx Qxxxx x Axxxx is sort of what he expects for the splinter, and slam should be reasonable.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari