mikeh, on 2014-October-08, 16:15, said:
It is a good rule of thumb to try to always use clubs as the fake bid, if at all possible. Sometimes it isn't, as in when partner bids or shows clubs, because you never fake primary support (you can fake preferences in some cases, but never primary support)
The reason is to allow opener to know that your diamond bids, when clubs could be fake, are real. In addition, when you always use clubs for the fake bid, it becomes ok for partner to cater to this as a matter of bridge logic without causing UI issues. Despite what Ken implied earlier about people coming around to his way of thinking, the notion that one can fake a club bid has been around since well before even I started playing, and that was more than 40 years ago. Faking a bid in order to get by this round has a very long, honourable ancestry to the point that no experienced player could claim to be surprised by it.
I never want p to assume my bids are fake so I limit my use of them to times where it is safe (like the example hand).
I would have much greater heartache with someone always using clubs as fake (surprise or no) since long standing
partnerships would undoubtedly cater their bidding to this relatively frequent use. I may misuse a convention when it is
convenient/safe for ex p opens 1s and I hold AKxxxxx void AKQ AQJ I have in the past bid 4c splinter with such hands knowing
p will sign off in 4s only if they have the club K and have the bidding proceed 4s 4n (checking for 7n and YES with a void)
5c (0 or 3) 7s x xx with a very upset lho thinking they had a cashing heart ace. UI is when p is using information they are
not entitled to not the fact that the bid itself is not what it is normally is used for. My fake 3d bid has a purpose to be
revealed later in the bidding whereas a fake 3c bid here would serve no actual useful purpose by my way of thinking and
I would like to see what follow ups are used after the fake 3c bid to allow one to land somewhere safely where my use of
the 3c bid would allow for the same effectiveness as the 3d bid would in fact in this sequence one can use a fake 3h bid
in the same way because we do not care about the heart fit per se.