Has U.S. Democracy Been Trumped? Bernie Sanders wants to know who owns America?
Posted 2018-March-22, 17:14
Odds are Kelly will be gone within a week.
Posted 2018-March-22, 17:21
- John Bolton leads a super PAC that employed Cambridge Analytica and who were the top funders of that super PAC? You guessed it.
- John Bolton derailed a UN conference to enforce the 1972 Biological weapons convention because he didn't want to allow spot inspections of U.S. weapons sites.
- John Bolton is pushing for war with Iran
- John Bolton is pushing for war with North Korea
- John Bolton wants the US army to create a 'Sunni State' in Syria & Iraq
- John Bolton appeared in a video used by the Russian gun rights group 'The Right to Bear Arms' in 2013 to encourage the Russian government to loosen gun laws.
Mad Dog Mattis might be the only person in the world who can prevent war right now.
Posted 2018-March-22, 17:23
hrothgar, on 2018-March-22, 17:14, said:
Odds are Kelly will be gone within a week.
Jesus Christ! I hope everyone likes a good war.

Posted 2018-March-22, 17:25
Posted 2018-March-22, 19:38
Winstonm, on 2018-March-22, 17:25, said:

Posted 2018-March-23, 04:57
Winstonm, on 2018-March-22, 17:25, said:
If the electoral college can't serve as an adequate checks and balances against a fickle, uninformed nation voting for an allegedly incompetent President why do you expect Congress to be able to fix this?
Posted 2018-March-23, 07:56
RedSpawn, on 2018-March-23, 04:57, said:
I didn't say I expected this Congress to do anything - but Congress has the authority to end this disaster.
Posted 2018-March-24, 08:52
The Stormy Daniels saga, explained in a podcast.
By Julie Bogenjulie.bogen@vox.com Mar 20, 2018, 6:50pm EDT
Over the past few weeks, the name Stormy Daniels has made constant appearances in the news. Daniels, an adult film star whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, claims to have had a year-long affair with Donald Trump beginning shortly after his wife, Melania, gave birth to their son Barron in 2006. The White House has denied the affair ever happened despite mounting evidence of a nondisclosure agreement and a $130,000 payout but the story has snowballed into an investigation of potential misuse of campaign funds.
The coverage of this story has been very focused on this as a sex scandal, explains Laura McGann, Voxs politics editor. But its a story about campaign finance, corruption, and how our politics are changing under Donald Trump. Yes, the main character is an adult film actress, but its bigger than that.
Of course it's important even though the swamp of corruption in campaign funds existed in Washington D.C. way before Trump claimed the Executive Office. Again, President Trump changed the political landscape on how you can win the Executive Office through national retail politics and brand marketing. That NEW reality is more disturbing to these game rigging codgers than the run-of-the-mill misuse of campaign funds.
Stormy Daniels is just a means to an end. We ALL know Trump is a chauvinist pig who lies at the drop of a dime. So what is exactly NEW in D.C. politics?
Posted 2018-March-24, 08:57
ldrews, on 2018-March-23, 07:57, said:
ABOUT DAYUM TIME! Thank you President Trump for having the RESOLVE TO DEMAND THIS!!!!
"The Defense Department is starting the first agency-wide financial audit in its history," the Pentagon's news service says, announcing that it's undertaking an immense task that has been sought, promised and delayed for years.
Of the tally that is starting this week, chief Pentagon spokesperson Dana W. White said, "It demonstrates our commitment to fiscal responsibility and maximizing the value of every taxpayer dollar that is entrusted to us."
"Beginning in 2018, our audits will occur annually, with reports issued Nov. 15," the Defense Department's comptroller, David L. Norquist, said.
The Defense Department has famously never been audited, despite receiving hundreds of billions of dollars annually and having more than $2.2 trillion in assets.
For the Pentagon to get to this point, it has been, as they say, a process. The U.S. government established requirements for each agency to present financial statements back in the 1990s. But for more than 20 years, the Department of Defense has lagged other agencies that were following modern accounting standards, reporting what they received and spent.
In 2010, Congress included a requirement in the National Defense Authorization Act that gave the military "an extra seven years to clean up the books and get ready," as Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa said last year. That set a new deadline to be ready for an audit by September 2017.
In late 2016, reports emerged that Pentagon officials had "buried an internal study that exposed $125 billion in administrative waste in its business operations amid fears Congress would use the findings as an excuse to slash the defense budget, as The Washington Post reported.
In January, the Government Accountability Office said, "serious financial management problems at the Department of Defense (DOD) that have prevented its financial statements from being auditable." The agency listed the Defense Department as its prime example of major impediments to attempts to render an opinion on the U.S. government's financial statements.
To carry out the audit, the Pentagon says it will deploy 2,400 auditors to go over records and examine bases, property and weapons of a federal department that had a budget of $590 billion last year.
As for how the audit would work, Jim Garamone of the official DoD News agency reports that the department's Office of the Inspector General has "hired independent public accounting firms to conduct audits of individual components — the Army, Navy, Air Force, agencies, activities and more — as well as a departmentwide consolidated audit to summarize all results and conclusions."
The Defense Department's lack of a financial reckoning hasn't hurt its funding. Last month, Congress approved nearly $700 billion for the department — some $100 billion more than last year's budget and billions more than the $639.1 billion that had been initially requested by President Trump.
The Pentagon audit would deliver on a campaign pledge by Trump. He was one of several candidates, including Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and Republican Sen. Ted Cruz, to make that promise — perhaps in the knowledge that the audit had already been federally mandated.
After taking office, Trump later nominated Norquist, a former Department of the Army employee whose experience includes stints on the staff of the House Appropriations Committee and as the chief financial officer of the Department of Homeland Security, as the Pentagon's comptroller.
This summer, Norquist was asked by Defense News if the looming audit was "the biggest bugaboo of the job."
Norquist replied, "I don't think of it as a bugaboo. I think of it as a great opportunity."
An audit would allow his office to find errors more easily, Norquist said, and to analyze the Pentagon's data to look for patterns and trends that could help make it more efficient.
"It is important that the Congress and the American people have confidence in DoD's management of every taxpayer dollar," Norquist said this week.
Posted 2018-March-24, 09:33
Posted 2018-March-24, 09:54
RedSpawn, on 2018-March-24, 08:57, said:
? That article is several months old. The part you highlighted is Jan 17
Posted 2018-March-24, 10:01
jjbrr, on 2018-March-24, 09:54, said:
Propaganda knows no dates.

Posted 2018-March-24, 10:33
RedSpawn, on 2018-March-24, 08:57, said:
As Scott Adams opined, "A year in and his opponents will agree with what he is doing, but they will still hate him (for it)." (One year in, almost to the day and the hatred keeps coming...)
Since the Federal Reserve is anything but (of the people, by the people or for the people) perhaps Trump could just abolish it instead of auditing?

Posted 2018-March-24, 10:59
This is the humbling reality that all victims of a con man must eventually face - I've been flimflammed.
Posted 2018-March-24, 11:05
RedSpawn, on 2018-March-24, 08:57, said:
Why thank this president - he had nothing to do with it.
From your own article:
I don't know why people continue to allow themselves to be swindled by the people who sell propaganda as conspiracy.
Posted 2018-March-24, 13:35
Winstonm, on 2018-March-24, 11:05, said:
From your own article:
I don't know why people continue to allow themselves to be swindled by the people who sell propaganda as conspiracy.
Winston, the actual financial audit of the Department of Defense will occur on Trump's watch so he and Congress can get the credit. And if I were you, I would take a chill pill about propaganda versus conspiracy. You don't hold federal agencies as accountable for their negligence, stonewalling, and corruption when the President in office is left-leaning.
This bias is disturbing.
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