Audrey said " Rebid 3♥. This hand is worth 15 high-card points plus length points for the six-card suit.That's enough to make a jump rebid over the 1NT response.The jump isn't forcing,just highly invitational.
However I have some different opinion on this hand.I disagree with jump rebid-3♥ because this hand only is one exception in 15hcp with 6322 shape.
How many points does opener make a jump rebid over the 1NT response?
Generally speaking, as a general rule:
1- If rebid depends on High Card Point, rebid-3♥ shows 15-18HCP.
2- If rebid depends on value point,Audrey approach is " rebid-3♥ shows 17-18 values points."
For this hand,Audrey Grant use a widely popular approach - only adds length point,ignores short-suit point. It seems that Audrey doesn't care the values of dubious honour doubleton.
For example ,South holds
♠ Q4
♥ AKJ984
♦ A85
♣ J7
♠ QJ
♥ AKJ984
♦ A85
♣ 73
I believe that Audrey's hand is best in all the 6322 shape hand with 15HCP,however both hands above are samely 17 values points, do you rebid jump 3♥ over the 1NT response in this point? Would you like jump 3♥?
If Audrey approach is correct, partner might regard opener's hand as
♠ K4
♥ AKJ984
♣ 73
So Audrey approach is too aggressive.
My opinion is especially when hold 6322 shape only with 15hcp,rebid own opening suit at two level which should be regarded as 12-15 hcp mini hand. This is one exception of opener's rebid over the 1NT response if don't use special gadgets.
Sometimes value point is not necessarily better than HCP.Of course,evaluation is one of the core technology of the bridge.
How to show this hand correctly if use special convention?
The solution to this hand style is Anti-Bart convention.
Opener rebid 2♣ over 1nt response, partner bid 2♦ (promise doubleton H support with 8-10hcp or 9+hcp with other shapes) as a puppet to 2♥,then
1)- opener bid 2nt showing 6322 shape and weak 6-card trumph suit with 15-17hcp.
2)- opener bid 3♥ showing decent 6-card trumph suit with 15-17hcp.
Now you see that directly jump 3♥ of Audrey approach is very dangerous action if responder take 3♥ as 18hcp to bid to game only with 7- bad 8hcp.
This forcing 1nt respond makes not necessarily shows 2-3 cards ♥ fit,so only with 15hcp of 6322 shape,it is prudently to add length point.Remember this is one exception with 15hcp 6322 hand.
As you know that when the hand is a misfit, count HCP only,the value of this hand should be reduced to 15.
Any suggested reply would be appreciated.
Best Regards