4♣ says " Cuebid---4+♣,5+♠,♣A,13+TPs."
Great, this definition is no problem.
So logic definition on this following 4♠ should be " No ♦A, No ♥A, 3+♠,17Hcp,18-TPs".
However 4♠ says " 2-3C,2-5D,2-5h,3s,17hcp,18-TPs.".
Who made mistakes?
4♠ says " Support but no extra values". I think this isn't a good definition since jump 4♠ can't save room.
It is a great pity that if you really follow Gib CC, you have no way to get 6♠.
Here there are two serious issues in this hand.
First issue :
Now you can see that 4♣ cuebid to show ♣A, and rebid-5♣ to show ♣K.
Where is ♣A?
Second issue :
4♥ should be a cuebid to show ♥A,but says " 2-5♣,2-5♦,5-♥,2-5♠,15-17hcp."
Here I can 100% reconfirm 4♥ says " 2-3♣,2-5♦,5-♥,3♠,17hcp,no ♦A, ♥A,18-Tps." at that time.
So it meant occassionally the bidding definition could be variant.
Here is a its screenshot.