PhilG007, on 2016-October-24, 08:25, said:
You are South,declarer in 7
♠ You win the opening club lead then draw two rounds of trumps with the
Ace and King. Your blood runs cold when West shows out on the second round. Incredible! Your side is missing only
one point and it seems it's fated to break your contract. Is there a way of saving the situation?
Your play!
The situation is far from hopeless. You need to be in dummy at trick 12 to lead a card with your S-Q10 sitting over East's S-Jx. This will mean you will have to trump two winners in your hand before leading to trick 12, and not allowing East to ruff anything; which means that you would prefer East to follow suit as much as possible rather than giving him a chance to discard in the suit you plan to enter dummy with at trick 11.
Essentially I want to ruff two cards in one suit, then run the other rounded suit discarding diamonds until East ruffs.
So I play a club to dummy and ruff the CQ. I cash the HA and lead the same suit that East discarded to get back to dummy.
Now I ruff the CJ, and get back to dummy with a heart if I have one or a diamond if I don't have a heart.
Now I have in dummy: H-KQ D-KQ and in hand S-Q10 D-A6. Now run hearts, discarding diamonds. If East ruffs, I overruff and claim. If East keeps discarding, I keep leading hearts until I get to trick 12 with the desired ending.
Edit to add: There were zero answers when I started this post, now there are four.