Posted 2017-January-06, 10:25
So, if it were legal, trust me, I'd be playing it. Yes, there are many places where the GCC is unclear. Yes, it would be "reasonable" for it to be a legal, rare deviation, just like "1NT with a stiff K" was until last year. It may even be ruled that way, especially by directors who follow "just bridge". If you think you want a definitive ruling on this (and other things right on the edge), think how much we who have to rule on it when it happens want a definitive ruling.
What happens - it always happens, trust me, just look at the Other Site right now - is that when we put down a definitive ruling, "experts" (some of whom are, in fact, experts) say "but of course, [hand that violates ruling] needs to be bid [in violation], it's clearly the best call, if I'm not allowed to do that, the ruling is stupid and the ACBL is taking away judgment from the game, and the directors enforcing this would know that if they could, in fact, play bridge." But, you know, only for the calls *they think* are reasonable, or deal with holes in *their system*, or are "tactics" *they* would pull...
But that doesn't mean we shouldn't *have* these definitive rulings, that the directors can point to, that they can say "judgment or no judgment, if your feet cross the blue line before the puck, and you then handle the puck, you're offside, and we're calling it."
Having said all that, what I can tell you is that the ruling I have been given, by National TDs, is the bald reading of the GCC I gave. I am almost sure that if you asked experts, including experts on the C&C committee, you would find that they can think of hands that would respond 1♥ with 3 to 1♦, agreement or no. There are many, I'm sure, who would say that the regulation that disallows this agreement (as opposed to undiscussed, occasional deviations) is stupid - including experts on the C&C committee. Given that there is a subset of that committee that is currently revamping (completely!) the convention charts, I would strongly suggest thou hie thee to said subset and make thy case. If not now, then likely not for another 15 years.
When I go to sea, don't fear for me, Fear For The Storm -- Birdie and the Swansong (tSCoSI)