Fluffy, on 2017-February-16, 07:11, said:
My webpage changes cards when you switch languages.
1RDV10 in french
1RDV10 in french
It is a fact that french CARDS DECKS have '1' printed on aces and '10' printed on tens, but I never have seen '1' in any bridge publication, book or serious internet page. We (frenchies) use A for As and 10 for Ten, and more generally
R for King (Roi)
D for Queen (Dame)
V for Jack (Valet)
P for Spade (Pique)
C for Heart (Coeur)
K for Diamond (Carreau but to avoid confusion with heart)
T for Club (Trefle)
SA for No-Trump (Sans-Atout)
Web-browsers are way too much featured