aawk, on 2017-May-09, 12:35, said:
Doesn't everyone play this 3♥ call as a grope rather than showing 4 hearts? What are you bidding with a 5224 hand and xx in hearts for example?
And this points towards the inherent problem on these auctions. Let's modify Opener's hand somewhat to ♠AK532 ♥AKQ ♦4 ♣AKQ5. As this is considerably stronger than the OP hand I assume everyone would open 2♣. Following P_Marlowe's auction: 2♣ - 2♦; 2♠ - 3♦....and now? If we bid 4♣ now, we're never getting back to hearts. A natural 4NT would probably do the trick but not everyone will have that available.
In essence, the choice is to treat Responder's hearts as a 4 card suit. That works out wonderfully when we can see that Opener also has 4 hearts and will bid them but perhaps not so well when we need to find a 5-3 fit. There are other solutions available but they come with downsides - Responder could rebid 2NT to stay out of Opener's way and then bid both red suits over 3♣. Pity if we needed to play in 3NT of course.
The 1♠ route is also no panacaea. The above auction is just one way in which the heart suit could get lost, quite aside from the other downsides of not geting the full playing strength of the hand across and possibly getting passed out.
I would not even claim that my system is solving the issues either. There are 3 ways Opener can sell the hand:-
1♣ - 1♦; 1♠ - 1NT; 2♣ = strong 3-suiter
1♣ - 1♦; 1♠ - 1NT; 2♠ = GF with 5+ spades
1♣ - 1♦; 2♠ = Acol 2 (8PTs) in spades
Each of these has a downside - in the first the 5th spade is lost. The second is similar to the issues with a 2♣ opening and the bonus, knowing that Responder has a maximum 1♦ response, is not going to help very much in reclaiming the heart suit. The last auction is similar again - now Opener has not overstated their values but Responder has not shown any values and the space is still such that the heart suit could be lost.
To solve this hand fully really needs a system where Opener can show a strong 3-suiter with 5 spades but who plays such a method these days outside of reverse relayers? To accomodate this one hand you end up giving up much more on other, more common, deals. For what it is worth, I have no problem with the 2♣ openers. It is a 9 PT hand at the end of the day. It seems preferable to open this one 2♣ than the same hand with the ♥T moved to clubs. it is not like opening 1♠ and jumping is going to give us enough space to bid all 3 suits anyway. At the same time, I would not criticise anyone choosing 1♠ - that also seems fine to me.
The second hand has an easy solution, which can be seen in SEF. There 1♠ - 2♥; 2NT basically shows a strong NT and 5233 shape, as a weak NT would rebid 2♠ instead and a stronger balanced hand rebids 3NT. That ought to solve the hand completely.
My system uses a completely different approach, treating the South hand as a strong NT and opening 1♣. The correct response is 1NT (showing a GF with ♥ or ♥+♣ and now Opener's 2♠ rebid shows a strong NT with 5 spades. Easy stuff. If you were willing to move over to an unbalanced 1♠ opening in Standard, Transfer Walsh could of course do something very similar, for example after 1♣ - 1♦; 1♥, a 2♠ follow-up from Opener would now presumably show this hand fairly precisely.
So lots of options are available, it is just a matter of which agreements you choose. For both hands, it is easy to choose agreements that disadvantage you on the specific hand but are perhaps overall good. Such is the nature of system design.