East leads the nine of clubs against your optimistic 6NT by North. Everyone follows to three top clubs. Can you see a way to make this contract, not found by a gold medallist in the World Youth Congress in Atlanta 2013, in the recent Philadelphia nationals?
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Counting for beginners Vanderbilt round of 64
Posted 2018-March-14, 11:28
East leads the nine of clubs against your optimistic 6NT by North. Everyone follows to three top clubs. Can you see a way to make this contract, not found by a gold medallist in the World Youth Congress in Atlanta 2013, in the recent Philadelphia nationals?
I prefer to give the lawmakers credit for stating things for a reason - barmar
Posted 2018-March-15, 07:55
Cyberyeti, on 2018-March-14, 16:55, said:
Ah the reverse of discarding a spade and hoping declarer thinks it's a club, follow suit in a way that declarer thinks it's a spade
Yes the standard method is to think about a discard and then play a "spade" without showing it properly. An alternative is to discard and hope that declarer does not notice until the cards are taken out for the next board, as the revoke can then not be corrected. You have to keep the club until trick thirteen of course, so you would be "squeezed" if you had a red ace.
I prefer to give the lawmakers credit for stating things for a reason - barmar
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