mikeh, on 2019-August-27, 20:45, said:
Is 2D gf? If not, seems to me that it may be more effective to have opener, at his first turn indicate whether he would accept a limit raise. That’s what we do (see my post early in the thread). There’s lots of room thereafter to show shape...indeed, both players can show shortness, depending on opener’s first rebid.
If 2D is gf, then your scheme seems very logical.
Inverted minor suit raises are not limited in the first place, so accepting or declining a limit raise is not as straightforward over a minor than a major.
I do this indirectly, but I do not see why opener needs to do this on his first rebid. Postponing the decision may give you more information before you decide what your hand is worth.
After 1
♦ the only partial we can stop in is 3
Anyone of the partnership, who bids 3
♦, suggests this as a resting place and by inference shows a minimum hand or a hand having got worse given the auction so far.
If you bid something else, the auction either becomes game forcing or if below 3
♦ remains forcing, suggesting game (or more).
♦ shows total balanced crap by opener, so 1
♥ (balanced or semi-balanced) could be a minimum hand but not total crap. Opener is likely to be 12-14 or 18-19.
Generally after a fit is found I consider showing distribution and whether we have duplication of values or not more important than anything else.
Rainer Herrmann