FelicityR, on 2019-December-19, 07:53, said:
Rebidding strong six card major suits always take preference over introducing poor four card minor suits in my book.
I am surprised mainly because with a forcing NT the default contract is often 2M. Assuming opener rebids diamonds on a 4 card suit and perhaps sometimes on a 3 card suit with nothing better to say, if partner with no diamond fit is typically going to rebid 2
♠ on a doubleton, why do you need to rebid spades immediately? If he rebids 2
♥ then without heart support you can now bid 2
♠ to show 6. Accepting the vagueness of an opener minor rebid when playing forcing NT, responder is not going to raise or pass the minor unless he has genuine reason to do so. Therefore in my view there is no need to hide a 4 card minor.
Of course this is complicated if you play 2
♣ as artificial, where 2
♦ may therefore be forced to distortion, but the OP posited "standard" and hence no Gazzilli etc. If your normal method in principle is to rebid 2
♦ on a 5332 shape I see no objection to it being a 4 card suit.