We are a group of friends who have begun to use BBO for our regular games. We normally set a table for four and reserve the seats. Due perhaps to poor connections, some of us are getting booted out. While we have figured out use of permission to play to prevent robots from taking over the seats, we have still not figured out how we can rejoin the game after logging in. Sometimes we see the invite, but we are stuck when we don't see the invite. We then have have no option but to log out , set another table and rejoin. I am sure there is an easier way.
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rejoining after losing connection
Posted 2020-June-02, 10:09
After you log in, you have to go back to the Casual server to see your friends and rejoin the table.
Posted 2020-June-04, 07:51
Whoever is the host has to reissue the invite to get the lost player back. They need to be on the correct server - the main one for Teams etc, the Casual for Relaxed etc. If the host is the one to get booted off, one of the other 3 will become the host and they need to do the honours - so you all need to be proficient hosts just in case.
Posted 2020-June-06, 10:31
Thursday, 4 friends set up a table. In a short time, West was booted. Host found her and reinvited. Then North was booted. Same thing. Then the host was booted and I had one friend playing so I texted him and he said someone else will be host, and can reinvite lost host. My partner had the same thing happen last week, so she is reluctant to play again if this is a computer pattern. Is this happening too often?????? Should BBO investigate?????
Posted 2020-June-06, 13:10
Enable the option "Permission required to play" when you create the table. Then no one will be booted for playing too slowly.
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