Today I've played a training hand with robots online (unfortunately not on BBO) and had the following hand (I was South):
The bidding was as follows:
North: 1♦ (as usual, 12+ HCP, no 5-card major, 3+ diamonds)
South: 2♥ (intending to show 9-11 HCP with a long suit, at least the explanations provided (meaning shown upon pressing the bid button) say so. But I suspect that North might understand it as strong jump (16-18 HCP), however it may be not the case)
N: 2NT (14-23 HCP, game forcing)
S: 3♥ (6+ hearts. My thoughts: "Well, I have nothing except hearts, and my black suits are too weak to bid 3NT. If you have stoppers in them, welcome.")
N: 4NT (Blackwood 3014 (non-RKCB), asking for aces)
S: 5♦ (showing 1 ace)
N: 5NT (ask for kings)
S: 6♦ (1 king. I expected that North will pass now)
N: 7♦
A very, very risky grand slam which could be disastrous. But the trump distribution with defenders was favourable (2-2 and the king being onside (with East)), so we managed to make it! (East lead the 10 of clubs, I took it with the ace and immediately led the queen of diamonds. When His Majesty (the king of trumps) showed up, I took with the ace and led the 3 of diamonds to the jack, then ruffed a club and the grand slam was made). 2210 points and +16 IMPs.
Full hand: