Posted 2021-July-01, 06:06
3S was a terrible call. I do agree with the notion of ignoring diamonds here, even though it will lead to problems on some hands. Picture south as x xx KQJx AKxxxx and we’d like to be in 6D. But we live in spades more often and bidding 2D then spades understates the spade suit. With 6=4,I’d bid 2D over 2C.
After 2S, south can bid either 4S, to show a minimum response with primary spade support or 3S, which in 2/1, should show a hand too good for 4S. I think it close.
In either case, opener has an easy time driving to slam, the main concern being to find grand if south has Kxx xxx Kxx AKxx while staying in 6S opposite the actual hand or something like Qxx xxx Kxx AKQx
4S should persuade opener to just bid 6S, which rates to have play, even though one can construct hands where it’s not a great contract. 3S by responder, over a 2S rebid, is more difficult since responder will have at least as good a hand as he does and could easily hold better. Unfortunately for non-expert pairs, neither player has a hand on which keycard (even exclusion keycard by opener) allows the asker to know what to do.
4N was horrendous. Give opener AQJxxxx Qx AKx x and you’re down off the top on a heart lead if you bid slam while if he has AQJxxxx x AKx Qx you make slam on any lead.
Never, ever ask for keycards if you can picture a response that will leave you guessing as to what to do. Alternatives may seem difficult but this is an extremely important point. All too many people use ace asking, or keycard asking, as a crutch rather than for its proper purpose.
Keycard’s only real purposes are to allow you to stay out of slam when missing too many keycards OR to confirm that grand is good.
If you are thinking that ‘we may have a small slam here, but I’m not sure’…then you should ask whether all plausible answers to keycard give you a clear idea of whether to bid or avoid slam. If a plausible answer leaves you guessing: bid something’s going to be uncomfortable until you get used to the idea and, of course, you need to find a partner who is willing and able to understand that keycard is not a way of expressing slam interest. You only use keycard when you are hoping to avoid a bad slam or find a grand slam.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari