So it was good that a ruling was not required for board 28, but I did wonder what the threshold is for 'clearly favourable' in Law 86B1.
On board 28 the Scotland North-South pair bid and made three no trump when most of the NS pairs were failing in four hearts. I don't have the details, but presumably the board was fouled or someone overheard something as the board was scored as average-plus to both teams at the other table. So I think it is fair to assume that neither pair or team were at fault.
This was the board and full details are at https://bridgeresult...rophy_d156p.asp.
There were five results on the hand: three no trump making ten tricks, four hearts (twice) and three hearts all going one down, and one three spades doubled by East losing -500.
Is this sufficient to adjust the AV+ score for the three no trump making and, if so, what would be a suitable adjustment?
B. Result Obtained at Other Table
1. Single Result Obtained
In team play when the Director awards an adjusted score and the result at the other table between the same contestants is clearly favourable to one side, the Director shall award an assigned adjusted score [see Law 12C1c], but for multiple adjusted scores see B2 following].
B. Result Obtained at Other Table
1. Single Result Obtained
In team play when the Director awards an adjusted score and the result at the other table between the same contestants is clearly favourable to one side, the Director shall award an assigned adjusted score [see Law 12C1c], but for multiple adjusted scores see B2 following].