jillybean, on 2023-March-07, 12:48, said:
Wouldn't 2♥ after 1♠ be forcing only if 2♣ is gf?
North should open 2NT now South needs to use some sort of minor suit stayman 3♠?
I don’t know Acol but in SA I’m pretty sure 2H is a one round force and I suspect, strongly, that’s it’s the same in Acol
I may be wrong but I think that 2C promises a rebid unless opener rebids his suit, so 1S 2C 2S is nf. Frankly, I think that is almost unplayable in a serious imp game (because having to jump or use artificiality to force distorts game and, especially, slam bidding too often) but could generate some pickups in a mp event.
As for north opening 2N: if any partner or prospective partner said that they thought that was a good idea, that would be the end of the partnership. I’m not joking: 2N is, imo, a piggish hand-hogging distortion. Now, if you’ve perverted your response structure to allow opener to show 5=4=2=2 with strong majors…and didn’t thereby ruin dealing with more common hands, then maybe.
I play a complex 2N structure which would have to be thrown in the toilet if we permitted this
I don’t see any gain at all
Btw for us 1S 1N 3C is gf but expressly may have precisely 4H, and we rarely pass 1S (virtually never with the sort of hand that allows game to make opposite this opener).
I doubt I’d reach 7N. It’s a very good contract. Mo far higher than 50%. 3-3 clubs or Jx or stiff J or an unlikely club lead is 13, and hearts 3-3 or doubleton J10 or 5-1 with stiff J or 10 on the right, or a squeeze
As for squeezes, there is going to be one most of the time, but one may need to guess we’ll, especially if the opps don’t telegraph their shape. Honest count givers are wonderful to play against
This is a hand on which a good forcing club structure would likely shine
Edit: my tendency towards hyperbole may be evident here
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