sfi, on 2023-October-19, 16:01, said:
Both are common agreements around here, but my experience is that the better pairs almost always play that double of an artificial bid that could be a raise is for takeout. Sometimes pairs make a distinction if the opponents have forced to game, so a double of a sequence like 1♥-2♠ will be takeout if responder is showing a 3-card invitational raise, but is lead-directing if responder is showing a game-going hand with 4+ hearts (a la Jacoby 2NT).
So you are saying that after 1♥ - 2♠ as a Condensed Solloway Jumpshift (ie SJS in any suit or 16-18 balanced), the majority of above average pairs in the world play X as takeout of hearts? Does it really not matter what the various frequencies are of the hands that the artificial bidder might hold? Taken to extreme, if an artificial call is a raise 1% of the time and something else the other 99%, is it really a good to treat it as a raise by default? This is not the way I would generally choose to design my bidding system.