Responding to 1 heart
Posted 2024-January-03, 02:37
My partner says that, regardless of strength, with 3 or 4 hearts and 4 or 5 spades, we should always bid 1 spade. His arguments are 1. If we can find a double fit, we can bid more 2. Bidding the spade may discourage the fourth seat from coming in with a spade bid.
Whilst his arguments have some merit, I disagree with always bidding 1 spade.
I propose:
1. with 4 hearts, always show support immediately (single, limit or Jacoby raise)
2. with 3 hearts and less than 10 points, show support by bidding 2H immediately, even with 5 spades. My reasons are that I only expect to bid once and I think 2H is more constructive and more obstructive than 1S and, with a known fit, partner is better placed to decide to sacrifice or not.
3. with 3 hearts and 4 or 5 spades and more than 10 points, I am leaning towards bidding 1 spade. A 44 fit is supposed to play better than 53 and I can rebid 3H if partner rebids 2 of a minor.
I appreciate that there is probably no right or wrong answer and would value more experienced members’ views.
Thank you
Posted 2024-January-03, 22:52
Let me put it in words you might understand, he said. Mr. Trump, fk off! Anders Vistisen
Posted 2024-January-04, 03:31
The start 1♥-1♠ is one of the weaker sequences in bridge bidding theory. Over partner's rebid it can be difficult to show a weak hand with three-card support (usually pulling 2m to 2♥ shows a doubleton, false preference) as well as a game force (1♥-1♠; 2♦ and now you kind of have to bid 3♣ 4SGF first, and who knows how high you get before you can show support). Also if partner makes an unexpected bid (e.g. rebids 2♥ or jump rebids to 3m) how do you show your 3-card support and playing strength? 3♥ might be needed as a punt probing for 3NT on those auctions, so it still doesn't show support.
I play Maas, 1M-2NT showing approximately 9-14 ish with 3(+) support. This way I can bid 2♥ with approx 6-9, 2NT with 9-14 ish, and 2♣ with stronger hands. I will bypass the spades almost always with a hand with support, as it lets me set trumps and show my strength earlier. The other day I held ♠AKxxx, ♥Kxx, ♦Axxx, ♣x and responded 2♣ to 1♥ - pretty extreme, but the auction continued 1♥-2♣*; 2♦-2♥ and now I've shown a good GF hand with heart support and we can start our slam investigation. Easy.
Without this gadget you probably have to put the 10-11 HCP hands through some other route, and you will inevitably lose on this some amount of the time. Also if your 2♣ is Clubs or Bal, rather than Clubs or Bal or Fit, you can't respond 2♣ with my example hand. I'd still aim to bid as closely as possible to the above, so:
- With approximately 6-9 points, raise the hearts immediately and ignore the spades.
- With a game forcing balanced hand with heart support, bypass spades and bid 2♣.
- With the invitational hands go for the system bid. If you have ways to show invitational with 4-card support (e.g. Bergen raises or 1♥-3♥), use them. If you have to put these through 1NT you will likely have to respond 1♠ here and I expect to be stuck on this auction with some frequency.
- With a game forcing unbalanced hand with spades as well as heart support I prefer to bid 2♣ as well, but if your system does not allow this you probably have no option other than 1♠. This is the sort of auction where I expect you will be stuck very often.
Lastly I would not be worried about spade overcalls when we have the spade suit. If anything I'd be more worried about overcalls in other suits if we don't show our support immediately. 1♥-(P)-1♠-(2♦); 2♥-(3♦)-? and now how do you show two or three different ranges with three card or doubleton support?
Posted 2024-January-04, 05:13
Posted 2024-January-04, 13:02
No matter what you agree, there will be difficult hands to bid.
Posted 2024-January-04, 22:46
Posted 2024-January-05, 02:45
I was pondering this very question a few days ago after this deal. There are 12 easy tricks with spades as trumps, but only 11 available with hearts as trumps.
We play four-card majors, so after West passes, North opens 1♥. I held the South cards, but could see no reason to mention the spades, in preference to supporting hearts. Every pair finished in hearts except one pair, who responded 1♠ and finished in a four spade contract - for a complete top.
You would presumably open a minor, if playing five-card majors, but South will respond 1♥ and it still seems that all roads lead to a heart contract. Does anyone have a reasonable auction to the unbeatable six spades?
Posted 2024-January-05, 03:17
Tramticket, on 2024-January-05, 02:45, said:
I was pondering this very question a few days ago after this deal. There are 12 easy tricks with spades as trumps, but only 11 available with hearts as trumps.
We play four-card majors, so after West passes, North opens 1♥. I held the South cards, but could see no reason to mention the spades, in preference to supporting hearts. Every pair finished in hearts except one pair, who responded 1♠ and finished in a four spade contract - for a complete top.
You would presumably open a minor, if playing five-card majors, but South will respond 1♥ and it still seems that all roads lead to a heart contract. Does anyone have a reasonable auction to the unbeatable six spades?
This hand is particularly difficult, but the spade fit conundrum is real. I would respond with a 5 card spade suit every time if I only had 3 hearts, and most of the time with 4 hearts. We also play fit jumps so some of the time with 5-4 we get both suits in immediately.
The fact that you have 2 discards with spades as trumps and only one with hearts as trumps makes all the difference
On your hand we would have a chance:
1♥-2N (limit or better)
3♠(we bid long suits here not shortage)-4♠
And now the difficulty is working out that the major suit distributions are what they are and not mirrored for the slam, but we might play 4♠
Posted 2024-January-05, 03:31
Tramticket, on 2024-January-05, 02:45, said:
I was pondering this very question a few days ago after this deal. There are 12 easy tricks with spades as trumps, but only 11 available with hearts as trumps.
We play four-card majors, so after West passes, North opens 1♥. I held the South cards, but could see no reason to mention the spades, in preference to supporting hearts. Every pair finished in hearts except one pair, who responded 1♠ and finished in a four spade contract - for a complete top.
You would presumably open a minor, if playing five-card majors, but South will respond 1♥ and it still seems that all roads lead to a heart contract. Does anyone have a reasonable auction to the unbeatable six spades?
117-19 bal or clubs-dia reverse or GF single suited clubs.
2SI facing the right strong hand.
It is plausible that Dutch Doubleton gets preempted in diamonds, in which case all bets are off. In a similar vein I expect strong club systems to stand a chance here, but again they might get preempted.
In a more standard system I would probably bid 1♣-1♥; 2NT-3♦* (transfer to hearts) and then superaccept with North, missing the spade fit.
Cyberyeti, on 2024-January-05, 03:17, said:
The fact that you have 2 discards with spades as trumps and only one with hearts as trumps makes all the difference
On your hand we would have a chance:
1♥-2N (limit or better)
3♠(we bid long suits here not shortage)-4♠
And now the difficulty is working out that the major suit distributions are what they are and not mirrored for the slam, but we might play 4♠
Posted 2024-January-05, 03:33
Posted 2024-January-05, 03:38
Posted 2024-January-05, 03:43
Cyberyeti, on 2024-January-05, 03:17, said:
1♥-2N (limit or better)
3♠(we bid long suits here not shortage)-4♠
And now the difficulty is working out that the major suit distributions are what they are and not mirrored for the slam, but we might play 4♠
Yes, showing second suits in a limit or better 2NT would identify the spades, but it needs you to treat the hand as two-suited rather than strong and balanced? Unfortunately, in this partnership a 2NT would be game-forcing and we show shortages at the three level, so we don't even have that option.
Posted 2024-January-05, 04:27
We can make an exception for strong hands with 3-card support where a slam in a different suit may be better. And we can make an exception for very weak hands, say 4-5 points that woud encourage partner too much if raising directly. So we bid as if we merely take a false preference for spades.
We can also make an exception for hands with 10-11 points and 3-card support, if we have agreed to require 4-card support for an immediate limit raise. Even if we don't have that agreement, these hands are not that difficult to bid as we can bid for example
It is particularly important to raise immediately with some 8-9 points, even with five spades and three hearts. Suppose it goes
Now 2♥ sounds like 6-9 points with a doubleton spades so your hand is too strong for that, but 3♥ would show a stronger hand.
Posted 2024-January-05, 06:01
Posted 2024-January-05, 06:02
Posted 2024-January-05, 06:08
Posted 2024-January-05, 06:22
Tramticket, on 2024-January-05, 02:45, said:
I was pondering this very question a few days ago after this deal. There are 12 easy tricks with spades as trumps, but only 11 available with hearts as trumps.
We play four-card majors, so after West passes, North opens 1♥. I held the South cards, but could see no reason to mention the spades, in preference to supporting hearts. Every pair finished in hearts except one pair, who responded 1♠ and finished in a four spade contract - for a complete top.
You would presumably open a minor, if playing five-card majors, but South will respond 1♥ and it still seems that all roads lead to a heart contract. Does anyone have a reasonable auction to the unbeatable six spades?
No chance for us. We would bid this 1♣-1♥;4♥, where 4♥ is a picture bid showing 18-19 balanced with fit. So 4♥+1, maybe even 6♥-1 on a Friday night

This space-consuming natural bid looks out of place in our system and I know Davidkok will hate it, but it assigns meaning to the jump and warns about balanced shape, while still not excluding RKCB to check out Aces and Kings if necessary.
IIRC GiB will stretch to bid 3♥ with the same hand: I imagine a successive 3♠ will be a control-showing cue, but if played as natural then 4♠ would be found. Not that success with the occasional hand like this makes it a better system choice than showing the first control at 3 level.
Posted 2024-January-05, 06:55
AL78, on 2024-January-05, 06:08, said:
Yes that was discussed in a different thread, some people have had this issue on and off over the last two weeks. I would say it has been going on for years but is probably worse lately.
Sometimes your post has actually been posted, though, even if you get the error message. This is one of the reasons why you sometimes see the same poster post the same post twice or thrice.