But I have the biss suit!
Posted 2025-February-03, 17:59
“Let me put it in words you might understand,” he said. “Mr. Trump, f–k off!” Anders Vistisen
Posted 2025-February-03, 18:27
Posted 2025-February-03, 18:27
If I for some reason felt compelled to bid the time to do it would have been a round earlier and a level lower.
Posted 2025-February-04, 04:38
When it came back to me in 3H, I'm wondering about a psych.
-1 beginners luck
“Let me put it in words you might understand,” he said. “Mr. Trump, f–k off!” Anders Vistisen
Posted 2025-February-04, 04:46
wastage in spade.
I would also suggest, that you forget about the existence of psychs.
In Why you loose at Bridge, S.J. Simon describes an episode, he had, he was playing against an
renowned expert, who loved to psych, ... in the end basically all had their bids, and it was
good for him, although he though during the bidding, that they tried to cheat him out of his
It is not clear, if they would bid 4H without 3S, most likey the would, but you know your customers
Uwe Gebhardt (P_Marlowe)
Posted 2025-February-04, 05:00
Psychs usually don't enter my mind. This opponent & this auction had me wondering.
“Let me put it in words you might understand,” he said. “Mr. Trump, f–k off!” Anders Vistisen
Posted 2025-February-04, 05:42
jillybean, on 2025-February-04, 04:38, said:
When it came back to me in 3H, I'm wondering about a psych.
-1 beginners luck
3♥ looks like an underbid given East has shown 6♥
Taking East with a minimum 13 total points - this can be upgraded to 16 (taking a Goren revaluation approach) once a fit is found so 16 +12 = 2
Posted 2025-February-04, 05:47
mw64ahw, on 2025-February-04, 05:42, said:
Taking East with a minimum 13 total points - this can be upgraded to 16 (taking a Goren revaluation approach) once a fit is found so 16 +12 = 278
I like your math

“Let me put it in words you might understand,” he said. “Mr. Trump, f–k off!” Anders Vistisen
Posted 2025-February-04, 06:06
“Let me put it in words you might understand,” he said. “Mr. Trump, f–k off!” Anders Vistisen
Posted 2025-February-04, 06:12
jillybean, on 2025-February-04, 06:06, said:
It is ok. Given that you at least invite, you can try to go looking for 44 in spade.
If you plan to force to game, which the current West did not, since he did bid only 3H,
it depends: if you have the option to show a gf raise with 3 card support for p or not,
if you do, I guess you are better served by going down this road.
Should you force to game? I would, but I dont open super light, and I would make forcing
raise of hearts.
Uwe Gebhardt (P_Marlowe)
Posted 2025-February-04, 06:13
jillybean, on 2025-February-04, 06:06, said:
I would show the ♥ support and not bother with ♠
I make the bid playing an artificial 1♠.
After 1N from partner 3♥ is a 3-card limit raise with 8 mod. losers
After 2♣ to 2♥, 3♦ shows the 3-card limit raise with 8 mod. losers. 2♦ would show 4♠ so i then have a choice of games
Posted 2025-February-04, 07:29
jillybean, on 2025-February-04, 06:06, said:
I think this (i.e., what to do holding 3 hearts and 4 spades when partner opens 1♥) was discussed in another thread recently but I don't remember which one. Playing 2/1, our rule is that we don't bypass spades to bid a semi-forcing 1NT unless we also have 3 hearts and an invitational hand, and we're just using 1NT to set the stage for our 3♥ bid.
That's a long-winded way of saying "support with support" - I would have bid 1NT followed by 3♥.
Posted 2025-February-04, 07:44
smerriman, on 2025-February-03, 18:27, said:
I would also have bid 2♠ at the first opportunity. But this ("sandwich seat" bids) is another area for partnership discussion. Would partner have recognized 2♠ as natural? What would X mean? What would 2♥ mean? What about OBAR bids?
Posted 2025-February-04, 11:02
jillybean, on 2025-February-03, 17:59, said:
Why didn't you bid 2♠ at your first turn? If you believe that is 2-suited, think again.
You already have 2 calls for the unbid suits: double and 2NT. I don't know what nuances you use to distinguish them, but surely any more detailed nuances are of more use to the opponents. Who, after all, are odds on to declare.
Posted 2025-February-04, 13:42
bluenikki, on 2025-February-04, 11:02, said:
You already have 2 calls for the unbid suits: double and 2NT. I don't know what nuances you use to distinguish them, but surely any more detailed nuances are of more use to the opponents. Who, after all, are odds on to declare.
jillybean, on 2025-February-04, 04:38, said:
Make that 3 calls for the unbid suits, for those who play sandwich 1nt
“Let me put it in words you might understand,” he said. “Mr. Trump, f–k off!” Anders Vistisen
Posted 2025-February-04, 16:04
mw64ahw, on 2025-February-04, 06:13, said:
I make the bid playing an artificial 1♠.
But of course West isn't playing that; with standard 2/1 it's not possible to show the ♥ support with your first bid. 1♠ seems automatic to me, I would assume 1NT (as a precursor to jumping in hearts) strictly denies 4 spades.