Come on peeople
Having 1 diamond passed with that is seriously sad
If 2 clubs is all I have i will use it and expect to hve a partner just as good
And seriously. There is no need to always be so rude and insulting
:I know how to bid
And is it so hard to answer the question I asked please
I have been playing for more than 40 years and still some of you ignore how successful I am at good contracts agains so-called better players
So can anyone please explain the meaning of the bidf instead of being obnoxious
The only reason I am forced to play with bots is that it is no hard to find 3 other compatible good imaginative and fun plauers
Unprovoked attacks
Like gang attacks agains one person for some freason. Why? Safety in numbers for bullies is it
So I will ask again. Please what does that cheaper minor bid mean
I thought it was a way to escape a game in an emergency with nothing opposite 2C
If anyone is polite enough to answer without being rude and patronising I wil be polite back
But its getting boring. And hi Tyler. I asked you a while back to lea ve me alone until you learned some polite manners and respect
What runis gamesis people who cannot lighten up and have some fun with their bidding. But if I dropped into a table with all my years of experience and good judgement and i would get some obnoxious noobdy have a go yes. That is what BBO is like
But i do take incessant attacks and patronising insults as another feather in my cap. In Bridge and other forums. People only attack people endlessly because they are a threat. Sometimes it pays to stretch a hand, use a bit of "psych" so to speak. Nice to have other players who can deal with it
So back to the cheaper minor which was the topic of the thread. Not let's bully the possum again
What does it mean. I have to bid a minor 4C or 4D for a relay or to be passed. If I bid 4C would it be the right bid
I even considered passing 3NT lol. Lucky for me I didn't

Should I have bid 4C then bot bids 4D pass?
And the associated question was why bidding 4 clubs of diamonds over that 3NT magically gives me another 10 points. Those were the questions and I specifically asked to ignore the slightly psychy 2C
Can someone please do me and the forum the respect of asnwering a simple question please
Next time I want a bit of community bullying I will put it as the thread title. To make it clear that is what I am loooking for
Is it about stopping some people asking questions or participating. I obseve that kind of bullying and trolling on other forums
What is it about. A simple question but no. Let's attack our favorte punch bag. Why? A simple question asked with my usual good humour met with total rudeness again. Why? And after all these years I guess I am stupid enough to keep trying to get politeness back to match mine. And good humour too. But I am constantly let down