My costly companion did rather poorly on this hand.
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Advanced GiB 2/1 massacring 3NT (1 of 2)
Posted 2025-March-23, 16:24
For usual reference, which play(s) do you disagree with and what would you have done differently?
Posted 2025-March-23, 17:09
smerriman, on 2025-March-23, 16:24, said:
For usual reference, which play(s) do you disagree with and what would you have done differently?
Will have a look.
The one that immediately looked strange at table (but watching soccer) was clubs to Kx.
Can I for now settle for the fact that it was 0% MP at 14 tables, almost all in 3NT?
Kind of suggests that any bridge player would have played differently with the same information.
Posted 2025-March-23, 18:02
pescetom, on 2025-March-23, 17:09, said:
Can I for now settle for the fact that it was 0% MP at 14 tables, almost all in 3NT?
Kind of suggests that any bridge player would have played differently with the same information.
Kind of suggests that any bridge player would have played differently with the same information.
I never base anything off the score - there are countless situations where humans would very consistently take one line, despite another line being equal (or better). Or the defense at this table may have done something weird (I wouldn't expect many to switch away from spades..) Or some North's might have responded 1♦, in which case the opponents are getting 1♠ - 2♠ bids in and removing any consideration of a 4-4 spade break if that happened to be relevant.. Of course, there are also countless where GIB does something worse.
So always prefer knowing what's considered clearly wrong based on its play first and foremost, not based on someone else's play. Otherwise I often find myself looking at the wrong trick entirely.. (same in the other thread)
Posted 2025-March-24, 01:22
After avoiding the spade continuation, declarer has seven tricks (spade ace, club queen, three hearts, two diamonds). If the hearts break there are eight tricks. The best way to develop a trick would seem to be in diamonds; the club ace is unlikely to be onside and certainly won't be onside THIRD given the play, so the club to king play seems clearly inferior to playing on diamonds.
However, the worst play made is the spade exit. At this point in the hand it seems clear to cash out.
However, the worst play made is the spade exit. At this point in the hand it seems clear to cash out.
Adam W. Meyerson
a.k.a. Appeal Without Merit
a.k.a. Appeal Without Merit
Posted 2025-March-24, 02:50
Thanks. Yup, it seems GIB agrees, long term, and it's probably the same as the other thread - if I set it to simulate 50 deals at a time, it a plays a diamond as you suggest 84% of the time, and instead of a spade at the end, a heart 97% of the time.
Though there's definitely some improvement that could be made in the fact that, while it takes carding into account for the opening lead, it doesn't for any later suit.. so has no clue what the club layout is. Considering at least the first switch seems reasonable.
Though there's definitely some improvement that could be made in the fact that, while it takes carding into account for the opening lead, it doesn't for any later suit.. so has no clue what the club layout is. Considering at least the first switch seems reasonable.
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