(1) Alerted, natural or balanced [playing 5-card majors]
(2) Not alerted
E/W were a new partnership and this sequence was undiscussed. West hoped/expected that her partner would interpret 3♥ as a splinter. East was aware of two possible meanings for 3♥ [splinter and natural] and says that she bid 4♥ "as 3♥ might have been intended as natural".
Table result: 5♣= by East, N/S -600 after opening lead of ♦Q
TD's Statement of Facts
The TD was called at the end of the hand by North. If 3♥ had been alerted, he would have doubled for a heart lead. Also, he stated surprise that E/W stopped in game after the cue bidding sequence.
West stated that she interpreted 4♥ as control showing. When asked why she had not bid 4♠ over 4♥, she replied: "My partner had not cue bid 3♠ or 4♦ so I felt we were likely to have 2 losers."
TD's Ruling
80% of 6♣-1 by E, N/S +100
+20% of 5♣= by E*, N/S -600
*by different route: 1♣-1♠-2♣-3♥-4♥-4♠-5♣-P
Details of Ruling
The lack of alert of 3♥ is UI to West. Laws 16B1, 12C1c, 73C
E/W Appealed
Basis of Appeal
1. [West] Assuming that partner has interpreted by bid correctly, she has denied a control in diamonds or spades, in which case I may not even be worth a slam try. In fact our agreement is that 5♣ is more forward-going than a discouraging 4NT, so I had made a mild effort.
2. [West] Since I knew we had no agreement about 3♥, how can there be any UI?
3. [East] If I had been in 6♣, I might have made it on the actual lead of ♦Q.
4. Had North doubled 3♥, East would have passed and the problem would not have arisen.
Comments by N/S
[South] I might have led differently against 6♣, particularly if my partner had doubled 3♥.
How would you rule if on the AC?