ATB - orlando Vanilla 2/1 GF system
Posted 2010-December-06, 21:38
Posted 2010-December-06, 21:58
I completely agree with West's 4♥ bid. Slightly depends on style I guess, but I think it is standard to play that East is pretty much barred from bidding after 4♥, as West would bid something else with a slam try. Yes, you will miss some nice slams (give West the same hand and East the doubleton QJ of spades and some other stuff, for example) but you can't bid em all, and this will prevent the partnership from taking frivolous adventures to the 5-level one off.
Posted 2010-December-06, 22:20
east should rebid with west has a really hard rebid....
a very very difficult hand.
for sake of discussion lets say w rebids 2h
west has easy rebid of 3c
we get to 4h.
on the op I rebid 3h not 4h......3h shows a good hand for me 2h shows a really minimum hand for me.
I think the most important lesson of this hand is 1h and 2h is weaker than 1h then 2c.
Posted 2010-December-06, 23:09
Posted 2010-December-07, 01:37
Anyway, I'd rebid 2♣ with the East hand and boost a correction to 3♥. If partner rebid 2♠, I guess I'd let it lay there.
All is OK until East bids 4NT, however, which makes the least sense to me. Partner described limit-raise values, nothing more. You might miss slam if West has meshing club cards and a few keys... A K A... that's really really really unlikely.
Posted 2010-December-07, 02:47
i like rebidding 2♥ with weak 6-4s, but supressing AQxxx is going way too far.
and jumping to 4♥ is just gross overbidding.
Posted 2010-December-07, 04:01
2H is wrong, too much to hide the club suit. 4N is wrong, if you think this is a min hand and hence rebid only 2H, then you shld be consistent and pass pd's 4H.
After East's 2C, west has two choice, one is 2D, one is 3S. I will never choose 2H. I will temprize with 2D, even if this is GF.
Posted 2010-December-07, 04:11
Unless explicitly stated, none of my views here can be taken to represent SCBA or any other organizations.
Posted 2010-December-07, 04:19
And, as others have said, 2♥ was the wrong rebid...
-- Bertrand Russell
Posted 2010-December-07, 05:32
inquiry, on 2010-December-06, 21:24, said:
Jillybean already hinted at in the four sessions we played, we had three session tops. This hand pretty much assured we wouldn't get a fourth. i will not say yet which hand at the table jilly held and i held, but figure out what went wrong on this auction and assess the blame, if any.
Also Jilly hinted in that earlier thread that maybe she didn't play well. To the contrary, she more than upheld her half of the partnership. No doubt, reading and posting here is improving her game.
- 2♥ is an underbid and misdescriptive. Prefer 2♣.
- 4♥ is a bit optimistic but a reasonable shot.
- 4N is inconsistent.
- 6♥ has chances but presumably it failed
Posted 2010-December-07, 05:53
I do not agree with 2C showing a better hand than 2H rebid. It shows H and C less than j/s values, surprise! exactly what they have. $N was a real blast especially at pairs. It is pleasing to see the player was likely not rewarded with 12 tricks, a good lesson for them.
Posted 2010-December-07, 05:54
4♥ was not a thing of beauty, but it sure wasn't the bid to blame. Give responder ♦K if you will and it would still be a bad slam.
We've all been in worse slams that made, though. This was just bad luck ahah.
Posted 2010-December-07, 07:22
But now jilly break a very important bridge rule that is to be consistent with previous bids. After a 2♥ rebid you have no business moving opposite 4♥, its true that you might realise that you hate your 2♥ bid now, but you can't do nothing about it, live with it and hope that your previous decision was the right one. Gussing all the time can't be good.
Posted 2010-December-07, 07:46
After seeing the hands one can say further that West bid well and East should have rebid 2♣ instead of 2♥, but this isn't so important as the first paragraph.
George Carlin
Posted 2010-December-07, 08:29
I blame:
99% East for rebidding 2♥ instead of 2♣
1% EW for not playing Gazzilli so E can rebid 3♣ immediately
Posted 2010-December-07, 08:54
nige1, on 2010-December-07, 05:32, said:
- 2♥ is an underbid and misdescriptive. Prefer 2♣.
- 4♥ is a bit optimistic but a reasonable shot.
- 4N is inconsistent.
- 6♥ has chances but presumably it failed
Best of all the replies and the one with which I most agree
the Freman, Chani from the move "Dune"
"I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."
George Bernard Shaw
Posted 2010-December-07, 10:43
Agree with 2♣, but that creates a MSC problem for West, especially for those misguided souls that like to open 1♥ with 5♥+6m.
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2010-December-07, 10:44
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Jillybean already hinted at in the four sessions we played, we had three session tops. This hand pretty much assured we wouldn't get a fourth. i will not say yet which hand at the table jilly held and i held, but figure out what went wrong on this auction and assess the blame, if any.
Also Jilly hinted in that earlier thread that maybe she didn't play well. To the contrary, she more than upheld her half of the partnership. No doubt, reading and posting here is improving her game.