Posted 2011-March-15, 13:01
i'd lead a club too. Also find it pretty obvious. If declarer needs spades he will have to play on them himself. If partner really is broke, and the t of clubs is badly placed, then declarer could probably have made his contract anyway. Imagine that the layout was something like:
This might be the kind of layout you fear, where a club lead gives away a twelfth trick, but its quite rare, if for example, opposition have 9S, or ten of hearts, or a sixth spade, then it will just be cold. The most common gain to leading the Q of clubs here is that you can expect partner to
to show positive attitude when he has the ten of clubs, which should make defending the almost inevitable (pseudo)squeeze a lot easier later. My instinct was to immeadeately lead a club, but after some thinking I am a lot closer to leading a spade or a heart (both pretty passive). I diamond is out of the question.
The physics is theoretical, but the fun is real. - Sheldon Cooper