Hi folks,
This might be better on the beginner's forum, but I'll try it here.
I'm an Acol-er, trying to learn 2/1. Most descriptions of the system focus on how opener rebids over 1NT or a 2/1. My question is on when the bidding is at the 2-level but not in a GF situation. I'm unsure what point count opener needs to rebid 2NT or 3NT in the following situations.
ONE - opposite a passed hand which replies at the 2-level :
pass - pass - 1H - pass
2C - pass - ??
TWO - when partner replies at the 2-level over interference :
1H - [2C] - 2D - pass
THREE - when partner bids at the 1-level but an opponent bids at the 2-level :
1H - pass - 1S - [2C]
Can anyone tell me what 2NT (and by inference, 3NT) should show in these situations.
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Help! Opener's 2NT / 3NT rebids.
Posted 2011-April-20, 01:37
ONE: a 2/1 response by a passed hand isn't a game force so you play a different system here. Most 2/1 players play 2♣ here as Drury, i.e. a limit raise with heart support. If you do play 2♣ as natural, I don't think there is any standard but it is obviously "more forcing" than it would be in Acol. I would say that it should be "game forcing on responder": opener can decide to pass at any point, but responder can't pass any bid below game that opener makes (except after opener has passed and opponents balance). Hence, the 2NT rebid is 14+. (Opposite an unpassed hand you might play it as 12-14 or 18-19, but opposite a passed hand there is not much point in distinguishing between 18-19 and 15-17, and with 12-13 opener would pass the 2♣ response).
TWO: After inteference, system is off and the freebid probably (this is a question of agreement) has the same forcing character as it would have in Acol with a strong 1NT. 2NT here is nonforcing but encouraging. Say 14 or a good 13. With a dead minimum, opener rebids 2♥. 3NT is 18-19. An alternative agreement is that 2NT is 12-13 and 3NT is 14. Of course the simplest is to play 2NT as 12-14 but that makes it difficult for responder to decided whether to bid game or not.
Three: 2NT here is 18-19. With 12-14 you pass (or raise spades, or double, as appropriate). 3NT is whatever it would be without interference (question of agreement). You might play it as a maximum hand with six hearts and a club stopper.
TWO: After inteference, system is off and the freebid probably (this is a question of agreement) has the same forcing character as it would have in Acol with a strong 1NT. 2NT here is nonforcing but encouraging. Say 14 or a good 13. With a dead minimum, opener rebids 2♥. 3NT is 18-19. An alternative agreement is that 2NT is 12-13 and 3NT is 14. Of course the simplest is to play 2NT as 12-14 but that makes it difficult for responder to decided whether to bid game or not.
Three: 2NT here is 18-19. With 12-14 you pass (or raise spades, or double, as appropriate). 3NT is whatever it would be without interference (question of agreement). You might play it as a maximum hand with six hearts and a club stopper.
The world would be such a happy place, if only everyone played Acol :) --- TramTicket
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