I would like to have some feedback on Negative Free Bids (NFB).
Note for those who ignore what NFB are
For the record, for those who ignore what NFB are, it is a different system of treating 2/1 responses in competition.
Now, using NFB, new suit at the 2 level is Non-forcing, typically with a semiconstructive hand (6-9 hcp), weaker than an oinvitational hand.
Holding a better hand (10+), responder would start with a double even oif he has a natural 5 card suit which would bid a 2/1 in standard systems.
Question 1
Robson/Segal in their book "Partnership bidding" say they hate NFB but do not enetr details.
Could you specify why do you like/dislike NFB ?
Question 2
(my viewpoint)
A friend of mine said that it is better to show directly your suit when u are weak rather than when you are strong and can afford rebidding later, because this is more disruptive againt opps.
However, it is also true the other way around:
If you start with a double and they raise to 5 clubs, it will be hard to show both the spades and diamond support.
In this case, not bidding your longer suit result in helping opps to preempt you.
Comments ?
Question 3
Right now I am using the following system of responses after interference.
1D/1H/1S-(int.)- ?
a) 1 level responses is natural
b ) 2 of opener suit = weak raise, non constructive
c) 1NT -> 2 under oper's suit = weak/strong transfer in new suit OR sound raise
d) bids higher that 2 of opener's suit are fitshowing jumps/splinters/preemptive direct raises; 2NT is a sound 4 card raise for the major opening.
This structure applies only after a double OR interference at the 1 level (through 1S).
With overcalls 1NT or higher it does not apply.
Obviously this means I do not need NFB after opps overcalling at thge 1 level.
But I was trying to understand whether it would be wise to try NFB when opps overcall at the 2-level, and transfer responses do not apply.
Comments ?
Thanks all !!