JLOGIC, on 2012-February-01, 13:23, said:
This reminds me of a hand from the bermuda bowl where our teammates got to 6H off two aces and made it. Partners hand was like 5 solid 5 solid or soemthing, but our teammate bid 4D with that whereas bobby levin bid 4H. Going with that I will bid 7D lol
Your team also got to 6
♣ on a hand missing 2 Aces and an inescapable heart loser....however, dummy held KQ tight in spades with declarer being 0=7=1=5, and we led the spade A....opening leader held only that Ace.
void AJxxxxx x AKxxx opposite KQ xx KQJxx QJxx if I recall.....1
♥ (1
♠)...our teammate bid 2
♦ and couldn't find the club slam (?) after 4th chair bounced.....your teammate doubled and opener took a reasonable shot at 6
♣ after the same bounce. I still think I, as fourth chair, ought to have bid diamonds at some stage with my Jxxxx Kx Axxxx x. Oh well.
It goes to show that sometimes keycard just gets in the way
Oh..and I'm not claiming we would have beaten you if we'd beaten the slam.....we were blitzed as I recall
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari