Posted 2012-February-14, 15:30
I am going to play small from dummy, then a heart to the jack. If that holds, I like my chances. I'll cash the ace of diamonds, pitching a spade, and seeing if the Q or 9 falls. If the Q falls, I will ruff a heart, play a heart to the ace, and run diamonds pitching a spade and then clubs until someone ruffs in. If the 9 falls, I'll run the J of diamonds, pitching a spade. If neither falls, I'll ruff a diamond low, seeing what happens, and then play a heart to the A, planning on running diamonds if hearts are 3-2, or ruffing out diamonds if short diamonds have long hearts (& they make the mistake of overruffing).
If the jack loses to the K, then I'm in more trouble (aka, I'm not making this without help); I think I need a defensive error, like Qx doubleton, and RHO ruffing in from 3 hearts when I lead the established J.
I haven't really thought this through for 4-1 trump breaks, but in general I think this to be the line with the best chance to make.
Chris Gibson