Curls77, on 2012-March-03, 09:41, said:
Hi everyone. I'd apreciate your comments/advice in bidding couple of hands. You have known partner, yet still in phase of making agreemenets within SAYC.
It was an IMP table, against known (and better) opponents. You are East.
Board 1
a) Should East make off-shape TO double, or 1NT overcall without stopper, or as I decided to do - make 4card overcall?
b) in case 2D was ok, could West choose 2N to show spade stopper, or 2S to force auction to learn more of East hand rather than raising dimes?
Wow. 2
♦ is quite a call on Kxxx.
The "book" call is pass, but I can understand wanting to get into the auction. If I would do anything other than pass, it would be double. 1NT with only 15 HCP and no real spade stopper is not a consideration.
West has a huge hand opposite a 2
♦ call. I would bid 2
♠ After that, East could bid 3
♠ as a NT probe and West could bid 3NT. Note that I use the word "could." None of this is a sure thing.
Curls77, on 2012-March-03, 09:41, said:
Board 2
2N was alerted as preempted clubs.
In east seat i decided to overcall instead of X because i didnt have hearts; assuming 3D overcall was ok (was it?), what values should West have for free bid after X, and is 3H from him forcing being answer to double? Even if this auction was wrong, once 3s was bid, should West pass, or correct to 4h?
The 3
♦ call is an overbid, and it set the stage for the rest of the auction. In my opinion, one should have an above-average opening call for a direct action over a preempt. This hand is a normal average opening bid. I would pass over 2NT. I am sure that other posters will say that the 3
♦ call is fine, but to me it is light. Double over 2NT is not a consideration with a singleton heart.
Over South's double, the values shown by West's 3
♥ call are undefined. He could be running from 3
♦x, or he could have a real 3
♥ call. In this case, he has a REAL 3
♥ call. I would bid 4
♥, counting on partner for a good hand for his direct action over the preempt. I don't let the opponent's double talk me out of what I think is a normal action.
After the 3
♥ call, East should pass. No one has doubled yet. 3
♠ is a bigger overbid than 3
♦ was, but it might work out.
Curls77, on 2012-March-03, 09:41, said:
Board 3
a) Was East strong enough to make strong jump shift and bid 3D? How should auction look from there on?
b) If 2D was correct call, should west bid 2h over 2d that would eventualy lead us to 3N?
East's hand is very good. Some might rebid 3
♦, and some might bid as you did - only 2
♦. It is really right on the borderline.
It would be nice to reach 5
♦ on these cards (even 6
♦ has some play). But 3NT has very little play, and it might be reached after a 3
♦ call. So, playing this hand in what appears to be a wimpy 2
♦ contract might not be a disaster. You will probably beat the pairs that get to a notrump game (or partial).