Posted 2013-March-12, 18:17
1. No I don't, tho it is close.
I don't mind offshape doubles in direct seat, but offshape when the opps have bid 2 suits is not attractive to me. I don't want to double and then, if LHO passes, have to choose either 2♦ (wrong suit, and not exactly on strength either) or 2N (just a flat out overbid with KJ tight in hearts).
I think I'd downgrade, and I hate downgrading, to 1N. But ask me tomorrow and I might reverse my opinion.
2.All the walruses would double, of course, and it might work out.
On a good day, declarer can't ever reach dummy, and we score a trump trick.
But real players LISTEN to the auction, which tells us that even if RHO responded light, he rates to have an entry and we then have a 16 point hand with, we hope, 3 defensive tricks. A 4th would be a bonus, regardless of which defender wins it.
I would pass.
I have held 19-20 counts in this sort of auction enough times that I know I can pass smoothly, but even if I had to tank, I'd still be passing.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari