Posted 2013-April-08, 07:01
Bidding looks fine. To make it we just need to compress our three losers (2D 1S) into two.
My plan is to eliminate hearts and then play a spade, hopefully endplaying West. This requires him to be 5512 (not unlikely on the bidding and opening lead). You play C10 to A, HAK, ruff one heart (assuming West is 5512 then East is out of trumps), then club to K and ruff another heart, then play a spade, covering whatever East puts on (if East wins the Ace, then we're fine because he can't profitably attack diamonds).
If West wins the ♠Q, then next he either has to play the SA or a small, or give a ruff-and-discard in hearts. If the SA, you discard a diamond, and now he must give you the SK or a ruff-and-discard. If a small spade, again you discard a diamond from dummy and pray West had to lead away from the Ace. If West has the ♠A (but not the Q) and wins it, he's endplayed.
So that works... but is there a better line that caters to more layouts? I can't see any viable squeeze.