This happens a lot, and I notice I always shift to an honor as defender, if others do as well then the king might be percentage. We gain against AQxxx and AJxxx and Axxxx I guess, losing to Qxxxx and AQJ on our left. That's probably pretty close, but we also frequently gain 2 overtrick imps which seems like a lot. Also, even though they should not card honestly many people will shift to high from nothing and low from an honor without thinking about it too much, so we can re-evaluate if they shift to a high one and they are run of the mill good players.
How about if we don't have the ten? Kxx opp xxx in dummy or something. People seem to pop king here on a low shift, since assuming they're not dumb low only caters to AQJ/AQJT/AJ on our left. And does it even cater to those? If RHO shifted to say the ten, what would we do? If the ten is honest, I guess we would duck hoping for AJ or AQJ rather than QJ doubleton on our left, but that just means the ten is the correct play from AJTxx, AQTxx etc. Likewise, if we are ducking the 9 the 9 is the right play with Asomething9 fifth. If we are going to pop king on the 9 or ten shift, then low is never a good play unless they have the ace. If they are playing somewhat randomly and we are always popping king from Kxx then that means...
With Jxxx or Qxxx they COULD comfortably shift to low. It does not cost even when partner has AJT or AQT since declarer will go up king. And you get the added benefit that with KTx they may go up king lol. But my view of the real world is that experts shift to the jack or queen with J or Q empty there, and they often play the ten with KTx on the low shift, so my main point is that I think T from KTx is probably wrong. I don't think shifting to low from Q or J empty has any real world implications since it's more likely they go low from Kxx than K from KTx.
Thoughts? Theoretical thoughts welcome ofc but personally I am more interested in exploiting real life play since I wanna win more tricks and stuff