This is a typical multiple teams event, with 13 teams playing two boards against every other team using a normal movement. There is a single set of boards in play.
During round five, the EW hands for one board are switched over but nobody notices until the end of the event. How should the TD score the board?
I believe that you should fine the EW team that fouled the board and every other team who does not have valid comparisons should receive AVE+. However some teams will have valid comparisons as both tables will play the board in its fouled state - should these be scored normally or should I give these AVE+ too as they have not played the 'right' board?
Suppose that a pair who played the board in the first three rounds got a very lucky score, such as bidding and making a slam missing a cashing ace and king that is unlikely to bid elsewhere. Should I give them 12 IMP and their opponents AVE+?
Finally, it is common to run a movement so that teams can score up at half-time. In such an event it would be possible for some teams to have valid comparisons on the board, some teams no valid comparisons, and some teams to have comparisons for the fouled version of the board. Would this make a difference?
Thanks for your assistance!